Defender Of Your Heart
defend you from all that is wrong or bad always stand in line as your last line of defence against any sort o bad tyranny defeending the most beautiful treasure of forever your heart it beats so beautifully so wonderfully it is more precious then any gold or treasure or fame and fortune the love from you and your heart i would value the look in your eyes a forever beauty like a monring haze your so angelic a jewel from the heavens you are defend your heart with my own life i would until the end
poem by Dorian Suchelle
Added by Poetry Lover
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More Then
More beautiful then beautiful your heart shines like the full moon bright an true a look of true happiness in your eyes a wonderous person u are a sound of your heart thump thump thump a reflection of starlight shines in your eyes the wind blows ever gently you are a blessingin disguise you have a soft sweetness in your voice anytime i hear oyu speak i melt insidemy heart races into over drive a fire burns in my soul darkness dies away inside me your smile sets me are more then beautiful
poem by Dorian Suchelle
Added by Poetry Lover
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Sweetness Of You
ur sweet devine pretty sexy a wonderful to know to hold hug kiss and cuddle u make one feel warm even if he is in the rain in the dark hearing from u lights my soul on like an inner fire full of desire ur beauty devine so perfect serene all the good things life deserve you do nothing less jus good greatness maye you never know a day o sadness but jus a happinee now and forever more knowing that ur smiling is worth much to me ur heart beats the greatest of anyone and anyone stay beautiful beautiful lady
poem by Dorian Suchelle
Added by Poetry Lover
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How She Makes Me Feel.
if stars and stripes are what make sum of most happy hearing ur voice seeing ur smile is what would make me patriotic cuz for if u calld my name name the call of duty id answer up and about id be to do your deed through sunshine eternal rainbow blazing stars shing brightly into nothing until day gave to night id be in ur command for u alone is what makes one feel worthy of this life
to heaven eternal until such time is over or until u require me no more until star shine and darkness took my soul away from this life.
poem by Dorian Suchelle
Added by Poetry Lover
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I wish...
i wish i was there i wish i wasnt here i wish i was in ur arms i wish i wasnt alone i wish the world of you i wish eveything for you and nothing bad i wish all the best things just for u i wissh i could hear ur voice its always in my mind from the second we first ever spoke i think of u i wish u think of me as i think of you i wish for you i wish to be be in ur arms all night until day gives to night and stars come out and then darkness gives away to day break i wish for this feeling to never end not ever....i wish for you
poem by Dorian Suchelle
Added by Poetry Lover
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Untitled 878778
of beautiful souls and starry skies of sexy eyes and sweetness of you such nice smiles the beat of your heart like time in esscence the way u look the beauty in yuor soul of starry skies the stars in your eyes your soul so sweet so perfect the sweetness of the sweeteest of souls ur smile so perfect so great like a warm spring sunny day the warmth it portrays so elgantly nice ur perfect in all the goodness in life of beautiful souls on starry nights the sexyness in your eyes is forever more ever great be sweet for all time sake
poem by Dorian Suchelle
Added by Poetry Lover
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Untitled 3421
darkness here and light of yer soul love in my heart and thoguhts inner traniquilty innner beauty super omega boom boom this heart beats pounding hard and hadrer like thunder cannons and wars screams pains as sunshsines and stars shine on my mind as yer heart beats boom boom boom voices in my head beauty on my mind what beauty whose beauty yer smile a smile love in my heart or darkness of my soul ice in my veins this darkness and light in yer soul..find the path to inner true equality and find serenity of yer self................nuff said
poem by Dorian Suchelle
Added by Poetry Lover
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Beautiful smile of forever
the radiance of your beauty when i see you when i think of the sound of your voice so heavenly and soft so perfect and sweet you are like a light that leads me though the darkest of places in the darkest of times when I look into your eyes I sense an inner beauty of your soul your a wonderful kind caring girl you deserve love and respect and nothing short of that knowing you is an honor greater than anything that in which I've ever known you'll always have a special place in my heart may you always smile and be happy for now and forever more.
poem by Dorian Suchelle
Added by Poetry Lover
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Lost Star
LiK A lOST stAr ALoNg i Am In thiS UnIVeRsE I SEe ThE ETeRaNal DarKnEsS LAs foR CentUrIEs anD CenTurIEs fOR tHosE SeEm buT lIKe a fEW SeCnds BuT rEallY tHe tiMe Is NuThInG buT A eCHo FOr How It is wEN Ur ALoNe thInGs r difFrenT U sEE tHe LiGhT In lIMItEd sEction limted actioon i nOt choose THIs sOrTA WAySoRTA jUS hOw IT HapPIN the oThER sTARS WE KinDA juS lweFT anotHeR and i FINd mySelF wELl Far and aWAY SoRTa PEACEfuL INa lost kind Of WaY iTs NoT gReat buTs LiFe NoN tHe LEss anD ThAt wE Do it iN ThE coLd BlaCkneSs nOw and fOReVer MoRe. LosT StAR I AM.
poem by Dorian Suchelle
Added by Poetry Lover
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Beautiful Heart
everything is sweet and everything is beautiful nothing about you is bad jus great sweet and supreme u make those around u feel good cuz u exhuberate the the sweetest of feeling the very emotions u produce u make things great good and beautiful i feel like a flower and ur love to me is like that warm light and water i need i grow everyday thnaking the very maker for knowin sumone like yerself so classy sweet and beautiful jus perfect to me i thinks anyways everyone likes ya everyone lovs ya i really admire you jus for being sweet and havin such a beautiful heart
poem by Dorian Suchelle
Added by Poetry Lover
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