Mean to me is
Ready to get something
I been waiting for
Like my permit or CD/DVD/Phone
Is one thing
I don't keep
Doing because
It's go to turn into bad luck
On the other hand
When I want something so bad it can happen
All I have to do is be patient and
It can be a good thing
Can mean so much
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poem by Christina Phan
Added by Poetry Lover
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Is smile on my face
Is happiness in people or having time of their life
Don't let anyone get in your life
You have the power to go any where you want
You can do anything you desire
Noone is going say I can't go or do that
This is my life and my decision
I just want to have fun
I'm young and there things I want to do
Its time for some fun
I'm excited that I can't tell you how I feel
Time is flying by so fast
I'm breathing in nice air and looking at how great life I'm having
Im looking in the open dooor and oppurtunities is making me feel
poem by Christina Phan
Added by Poetry Lover
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The Sunrise
As I lay on the beach
The sunrise
Come up
I feel wind and this just feel nice
I wish you were here with me
There is hope and life to live
I just want to hold you in my arms
I'm thinking of you
You're my sunrise because you make my darkness disappear
When I'm around you
The sunrise
I'm looking up at beautiful sky
The sunrise
Come up
I just want to relax and stay here
I wish you lay next to me
There dreams to accompliments
I want you in my arms forever and always
I'm missing you
You're my sunrise because you make me smile again when I'm around you
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poem by Christina Phan
Added by Poetry Lover
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I really don't have clue
All things I do and bad things
I do and keep it a secret can come out at any moment
The guilt built on inside hurt
About life and things
Whatever throw and come my way
I let it make me fall down and break into pieces
I get blame for not listening and
Doing the right thing
About what I really want to happen and see come true
I need to let my heart decision
I need keep my ears open and
Watch out for people and things
Time and years flying by so fast
I can't be
Anymore and not let anyone/anything bring me down
poem by Christina Phan
Added by Poetry Lover
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My heart been hurt so much
All because I keep getting closer to you
I will break down easily and
After you have hurt me
My tears will fall down once in while
Just want to be alone in dark
No one to bother me
I just let this get way to far
I can't stop leaving you alone
My heart want more and more from you, but
You don't care how I feel and break my heart to pieces
I feel like shattered glass
I can't stand up again
Knowing I'm getting near you again,
I'm going break down easy and get hurt
Once again I
Over you because I'm not realized that
You keep doing it
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poem by Christina Phan
Added by Poetry Lover
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My Sister and I
Every day is been fun
My sister and I
Got to know each other even more
We fight and argue, but we love each other no matter what happen
We hug each other when one is crying
We make each other feel better, comfort one another and also talk
My sister and I
Understand each other so well
We will always have each other back
We are like best friends
We hang out and have fun
We sometimes are nice and mean to each other
Most of time we can get on each other nerves, but
No matter what happen or what we say to each other
We always forgive each other and love one another
My sister and I
poem by Christina Phan
Added by Poetry Lover
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Being With You
Every minute of day
I think about you
Every step we take along the way
We compromise and is so magical
I'm blessed to have you in my life
We have five geat years together
I hope one day you made me your wife
You are the best thing that came in my life
My heart is complete
I couldn't ask for more
Fate brought us to meet
We are meant to be after all
Being with you
Every day you make me feel happy
I hope you feel the way I do
You know what to say when something is on my mind
[...] Read more
poem by Christina Phan
Added by Poetry Lover
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New Jersey
I live there for 11 years
I miss it so much
I just want let my tears out and sing a song about my hometown
I was mad to moved where I live now
I just want to go home to
New Jersey
I miss the snow, boardwalk, the family, and everything I love about
New Jersey
Is part of my life I can't let go
All the memories whether its good or bad
I love when the seasons change
It's so beautiful and place to be
The places, food, and schools
I just want to go home to
New Jersey
I want be me again
I miss all time and memories
Coming down here was not good idea
I belong there and I hope to visit there again
New Jersey
poem by Christina Phan
Added by Poetry Lover
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My Happiness is Back
After all this pain and cry
I can finally smile again
This is brand new me
My happiness is back
Thanks to a friend
I just need talk to someone and
Think about this through
That person make me realized something
Is that I'm young and got alot going for me
My friend understand me and know how I feel
My friend cheer me up
Everyone I know and love was happy that
My happiness is back
I learn so much, feel so free and alive
I can see light at end of tunnel
I feel like a micrale happen
It's all thanks to an angel and God
It been awhile since I was like this
I thought I never smile, but I am
My happeiness is back
poem by Christina Phan
Added by Poetry Lover
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If you can't keep a promises then don't
Say you will do it
You say we
Going be together forever, but
Look where we are now
You break up with me because there is too much drama with me
After all fight we have and me cheating on you
I was wrong for that
You are done with me and all things we can't agree on
You are tired of me nagging and crying
Love is not perfect
Relationship is not perfect either
It's ok
I understand why
You did it
You have the right to do that
I been a bad girlfriend
I'm so sorry
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poem by Christina Phan
Added by Poetry Lover
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