Y.. The Little Light
There is a little light,
A little light in your heart,
A little light that has tremendous power
If we allow, it can obliterate all darkness.
That little light in your heart
Let it shine.
There is a little light,
A little light in your soul
If we allow, it carries tremendous wisdom
It flashes sparks and thoughts of goodness
That little light in your soul
Let it shine
No matter how dark is the night
Within, you can always find that little light
The light in your heart, the light in your soul
They're always there to brighten your world
These little lights of your heart and soul,
Let them shine.
poem by Aufie Zophy
Added by Poetry Lover
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Y..... The Biggest Freedom
I pray for love
We are all bathing in it
We just have to open our hearts,
to open our minds
And let it in
The biggest freedom is ours
To let it in or lock it out
I pray for hope
We are swimming in it
We just have to open our hearts
to open our souls
And let it in
The biggest freedom is ours
To let it in or lock it out
I pray for wisdom,
We are soaking in it
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poem by Aufie Zophy
Added by Poetry Lover
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Y.... Hope
There is hope
That one time
We'll all have enough
Enough food
Not too much
Just enough
No more hunger
No more obesity
Let‘s start to work for this today…
There is hope
That one time
We'll all have enough
Enough clean water
To drink
Or orange juice
No more thirst
No more drunkenness
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poem by Aufie Zophy
Added by Poetry Lover
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Y.. Tree of Life
The tree of life
It has a branch
A money making branch
The bigger the money making branch
The more comfortable our life
But if the money making branch
Is the only branch
On our tree of life
It is such an ugly and unstable tree.
A prayer and devotion branch
Will stabilize the tree of life
Let it be a real big branch
On your tree of life
But if only two branches on a tree
Imagine how ugly it would still be!
So let there be branches
Of Affability and Charity
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poem by Aufie Zophy
Added by Poetry Lover
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Y... Magical Moments of Amazing Beauty
Walking on the beach
Children seeking shells
Running around, having fun
Evening sun setting over the land
Shining a wonderful light on the breaking waves
The sky soft and blue
Tattered clouds above the sea
Taking on a breath-taking mixture of colours
Yellow orange in front, purple gray tales
Fluffy here and solid there
Living colours reflected
in the green of the deep sea
Part of me wanted to sing
But my mind ran out of words
Magical moments of amazing beauty
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poem by Aufie Zophy
Added by Poetry Lover
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Y... Garbage Man
Become a garbage man
Every day, just for a minute
Search for some litter
Pick up some garbage
Where ever you can
Don't stoop down.
Not good for the back
Just sit on your heels
Stay squatted and look up
It gives you a special perspective
Pick up a hand full
Walk to the bin
Not the nearest
The walking is exercise
Good for your body
So, become a garbage man
It can give you perspective
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poem by Aufie Zophy
Added by Poetry Lover
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Y..... Don't touch it
Have you seen a fire?
I mean a big one with high flames?
Any human touching it
Will suffer intense and lasting pains
Such is the law of nature
Nothing else could happen or be
Touching flames causes pains
Isn 't that easy to see?
Hatred is also like fire
It burns upon every touch
Pain is intense and lasting
Excruciating destruction, so much
Such is the law of nature
Nothing else could happen or be
Touching hatred causes pain
It is not difficult to see
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poem by Aufie Zophy
Added by Poetry Lover
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Y.... River meets desert
A young river,
So strong
Nothing could stop it
Nothing went wrong
Big rocks in its way
No problem at all
It went over them
Around them if tall
But then it met the desert
Water sank deep into sand
Huge problem for the river
It looked like its life was to end
It turned to our God
'Please, God help me
To get away from or over this spot'
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poem by Aufie Zophy
Added by Poetry Lover
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Y.. Poetry and History
Tired at night, I went to sleep
I slept tremendously deep
I slept a very long time
I woke up in October of 2110
and some history books of then
were laying in that room of mine
How exciting it was, how queer
to read the history of the coming years
I was in for quite a surprise
The heroes of the 2011 history books
were labelled as what they were, just crooks
Heroes in 2110 were nobody else than the wise
There were some wise people, so clever
who brought to us kindness and wisdom forever
these were the heroes of 2110
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poem by Aufie Zophy
Added by Poetry Lover
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Y.... Differences
So many differences between one another
I love my Muslim brother
I love my Christian brother
I love my Hindu brother
I love my Bhuddist brother
I love my Jewish brother
I love all my sisters too
Somewhere deep inside
I believe that God loves all of us too
Let us celebrate our differences
Let us learn all from one another
Let us celebrate our similarities still more
I love my black brother
I love my white brother
I love my yellow brother
I love my red brother
I love my brown brother
I love all my sisters too
[...] Read more
poem by Aufie Zophy
Added by Poetry Lover
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