No one hears me scream
Im crying inside my heart
And screaming out aloud.
With no one to see
And no one to hear.
No one hears me scream
No one wants to.
Does everybody hate me?
Crying out aload
Still no one hears me.
No one wants to.
Amy Kerswell
poem by Amy Louise Kerswell
Added by Poetry Lover
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Do you hear my cries
Please hear my cries.
But understand that im low.
Yes Im suicidal
No Im not mad.
Yes my heart is sad.
My mind is bad
Please hear my cries
Dont label me
With your cruel inhumane names
I am a person
And I do feel
But hear my cries
poem by Amy Louise Kerswell
Added by Poetry Lover
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Pretend to know me but you dont heres your fucking interbitation
Heres the facts.
Laid out for you.
Recive them loud and clear.
For this Im only gonna say the once.
Dont act like you know me.
The inner me
You'll never no
Cos I dont quite know that me.
All I know is im hurting.
And cant say why
poem by Amy Louise Kerswell
Added by Poetry Lover
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You'll never stop me
You know Im you bpd.
You'll never stop the psycotic episodes.
And you'll never stop me.
I like to make you suicidal.
You know Ill bring to your end.
Me and deppression together will destroy you.
I hate you
But you can never stop me
poem by Amy Louise Kerswell
Added by Poetry Lover
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Goodbye if you care
The time has come.
For me to say goodbye.
Its time for me to die.
But I doubt you'll even care.
If you didnt abuse me.
I wouldnt end my life.
If I had found love.
I'd of been ok.
But here I am dead.
I've left this world
I've said goodbye
poem by Amy Louise Kerswell
Added by Poetry Lover
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A useless life
Useless excuse.
A waste of life
Waste of breath.
Useless useless
Useless bitch.
Useless in every way
Just so useless
My life is complicated
It is useless
Its a hopeless cause.
I may as well just end things
And go far away
poem by Amy Louise Kerswell
Added by Poetry Lover
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Rotten bastards
The lot of you.
All of you
You are all rotten bastards.
And I hate you all
All of you
Raped and abused me.
But what goes around comes around.
And revenge will be mine.
Rotten bastards.
You rotten rats.
Rape and abuse.
Is that all you can do?
poem by Amy Louise Kerswell
Added by Poetry Lover
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Fed up with my existence
I hate my life.
Hate my existance even more.
God why do I have this pain.?
Why the heck do I walk pains path?
My life is nothing.
My death is so near.
Each day brings new fear.
My life never was my own.
Its always belonged to the hands of evil
poem by Amy Louise Kerswell
Added by Poetry Lover
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Through death I walk
Im about to walk through death
Through another door of life.
A diffent lane to walk.
My death is kind of by choice.
As another day of pain
I refuse to live.
Pills down my throat
Arms slashed to shreds.
Im walking the walk of death
Amy Kerswell
poem by Amy Louise Kerswell
Added by Poetry Lover
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Locked up Inside
Im locked up inside.
In a manic world
In a world of demons
I live in a demonic world.
My emotions are locked
Locked far away
Inside my self
Im locked up inside
Scared of the world
Frightened and alone
My emotions are locked
The key is long lost
poem by Amy Louise Kerswell
Added by Poetry Lover
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