I Am A Fool, Babes
I miss you babes -
When I am home -
Surrounded by you crafts -
Mr Dingles is sitting on my lap -
Favourably the skeleton scarecrow -
Which stalks you strawberry supply -
I miss the chocolate mouse, with the dark flavours, you so gently spooned onto my lips -
I love the taste after the taste, the one from your tongue, which splits my mouth to be accepted, by more to your one -
I miss you babes, when you lap by the dance, ontop of me, whispering my name, never stopping, then we play our game -
I miss you more everyday, my love which now is my passion, will never be complete -
I miss you babes when I am down at night, when I feel to the complete in lost, your life came at the price, no God can expect me to do the cost -
I love you babes, I never said those words to you, by the mean, to fulfill your dreams -
Do you hear my screams, I am a fool, I am a fool, what I thought was cool, was not to the measure in you -
I cry, I do not care, I love you babes -
I miss you more everyday -
Open is my heart by thought -
My chances missed -
So I miss you babes -
My mistake, I misjudged, I ringed the finger on your hand, with tears -
You wear the ring to your grave -
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poem by Unic Cjonr
Added by Poetry Lover
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