Why Do I
why do I think of him all day long
why cant I get him off my mind
why do I wait all day for a five minute call
why do I count the days since I have seen him
why when I close my eyes I see him
why do I dream of his incredible kiss
why do I still feel his fiery touch
why dose my heart stop every time he takes his shirt off
why do butterfly's invade my stomach every time he smiles at me
why dose his laughter shoot a lightening bolt into my soul
why dose his voice sound like magical music to my ears
how dose he make me feel like I'm the most beautiful women in the world
why do I feel free like wild mistletoe making a bridge over a rushing river to a meadow of roses when I'm with him
why do I take him back even after I said I wouldn’t
how dose he still my heart away
how did he still my heart away
why do I question if I'm worth him
why do I down my self if he doesn’t call
why do I doubt if he likes me or not
how dose he make me feel pretty when I'm with him
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poem by Mrs. Cynosure
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Can't Say More
Thank you sweety for all the times you have said I love you baby
Thank you sweety for all the times you have made me smile
Thank you sweety for all the times you have said I am pretty or beautiful
Thank you sweety for all the times you have said I am a great woman
Thank you sweety for all the times you have said I have a great body
Thank you sweety for all the times you have told me I am the best thin that ever happened to you
Thank you sweety for all the times you let me get my way even if we both new you were right
Thank you sweety for all the times you have teased me
Thank you sweety for all the times you have made fun of me
Thank you sweety for all the times you have made me laugh until I cried
Thank you sweety for all the times you just called to say I love you baby
Thank you sweety for all the self pride you have given me
Thank you sweety for all the loving make my day hugs we have shared together
Thank you sweety for every floating on clouds passionate kiss you have shared with me
Thank you sweety for every touch of your tender hands
Thank you sweety for every time you have looked deeply into my eyes traveling the depths of my soul and telling me what you want
Thank you sweety for every breath we have shared together
Thank you sweety for every day we are together
Thank you sweety for giving me a chance
Thank you sweety for trusting in me no matter what I said or did
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poem by Mrs. Cynosure
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Every Walk Of Life
From every walk of life
One a child just wanting to play games
And making funny faces to make everyone laugh
One a young adult maybe of 20
Showing her beauty to the world
With every stride of her black high heals
One a gentlemen writing of his charismatic ways
Passing the miracle of poetry on to
Anyone his words color the taste of
a magician which he surly is
The other a bit more aged and
Seasoned within life’s steak
Trying to teach the children even at
The bottom of her pool of life
That without an education you are nothing
Will be noting and can be nothing
Not only in her eyes but nor in any one else’s
Each telling a story within their unique way
Maybe in the innocent smile he brings to your face
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poem by Mrs. Cynosure
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Unexplained Feeling
Unexplained feelings
When I first saw him
he took my heart away
Now I need someone to
put my heart at bay
him still on my mind after all this time
How did I mistake
love could be so blind
we took it faster then I thought we would
Only if I can go back
to change the past
would I
would I change it
I'm afraid not
would I have paced myself
and took it slower
or would I
would I have taken it slower
I'm afraid not
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poem by Mrs. Cynosure
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6-11 (true Story)
A softball game,
With two 7th grade teams.
In a open grass field kids play,
In the hot sun.
Along the first base line, were the moms
Cheering their girls on.
It was the top of the 8th inning,
No outs and Centrals down by one.
Junction City is up to bat,
Central out in the field.
It took four pitches to get the batter out.
Gale Anders is up next, strike one.
Turning to terror in the next swing of the bat.
The ball goes flying over the fence,
Missis all the moms, all but one,
Nursing her baby she didn’t see the ball coming.
The ball hits the baby in the head whose life has just begun,
Just three weeks ago ReBecca Purkey was born.
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poem by Mrs. Cynosure
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the alarm rings, the rooster crows
I wake up dreaming of you
yeah, this is how my day goes
in a locker deep inside of me
the silence screams out to be set free
only to be captured once again by you
this time lightning will strike twice
yep last night I was
dreaming of you
when I'm in my dreams
you are the one I see
in my dreams we are together
in my dreams were together and no one cares
in my dreams I'm in your arms where I can softly feel your heart beat
in my dreams you kiss me ever so softly and tell me that you love me
in my dreams there you are loving me
there I am so deeply in thought
there I am loving you with all I've got
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poem by Mrs. Cynosure
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To Kill
I want to come out
I wanna tell the world who I am
starting with you
how I felt all these years
trapped in a dark box
trying to hide who I am
who I was born to be
a killer
I feel the powerful need
the need
to kill
I feel the darkness put it’s blindfold
over my hungry eyes to confuse myself
from what’s right and wrong
I’m staving to kill
to see the fear in your helpless eyes
to hear you plead beg and
your screams of pain while I begin to cut you open
feel the power of having control over your life
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poem by Mrs. Cynosure
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Moving Up Scared
Anxiety running through my vines
Like in the colors of a chock rainbow
Being washed off the side walk
A little scared but not enough to show it
I take that big step on my own
You know the step from
I know I'm a little kid to
I'm a big kid now that I'm in Middle School
I slowly walk down the blue carpeted terrifying hall
They made it scary for a reason
Then I met you Breanna
On the first day within the first 10 minutes
Some how you saw right through
My brave little 11 year old mask
The overwhelming lack of security
That was now so present
Making me not think in the right sate of mind
The stories of horror that all those years
My sister has told me and all I can think of
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poem by Mrs. Cynosure
Added by Poetry Lover
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