A Little Peep In My Life
A Little Peep In My Life
waking up early in the morning
is always an exciting moment for me
my treasured time with the Lord
my prayer time, my communion with Him
my husband, joining hands together
for our couple prayer time
we lift up to the Lord
all our concerns for the day
and intercede for others
who needs our prayers.
a typical day, a simple day for me
i just love it this way
no spectacular activities
no ifs, no buts
but just follow and obey what the Lord says
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poem by Meggie Gultiano
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My Trip Seasonings
My Trip Seasonings
My hands are but extensions to my brain
Where i prepare my food
Seasoned with trip spices and oh..sweat..(LOL)
Dramas are made by onions
As tears flow down to my nose and mouth
And see my detractors yelling at me
And yes, seasoned by anchovies and other shrimp and fish
Ginger are but vexations to the soul
Where one touches base and find its center
Leading me on to my weakened state
Of womanhood and finds strength in my mate..Aha!
Olives, basil leaves, raisins
Are reserved to more foreign tongues
As i vowed to myself
To stick to the basics, aside from salt, pepper and sugar
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poem by Meggie Gultiano
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my Hiding Place
When I'm sad and no one's around,
My feet are drawn to you and I bow down.
You always calm my aching heart,
Whispering to me, you'll never part.
Easing my mind to gentle rest
My sins to you, I will confess.
When I'm happy and no one cares,
I turn to you in heartfelt prayer.
You love me just the way I am,
For you are the one and only 'Great I AM'.
Thank you dear Lord for hearing my voice,
For you are my unrivaled choice.
You're my refuge and my hiding place,
You made me strong so I wouldn't break.
When I was weak and turned to you,
You picked me up, you saw me through.
Clear my mind and make me whole
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poem by Meggie Gultiano
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A Tiny Spark
A tiny spark of your kindness
Will make a difference
To this world of confusion, hatred, fear and pride
You look with love in your eyes for others
When their tides of life run against them
And their spirit is downcast and low
Each time you do an act of kindness
God smiles and blesses you
For in serving those troubled heart
You serve and pleases HIM too
The tiny spark of love and concern you gave
To the empty, the unloved and the afflicted
Will make a difference
To those who needs to be loved and cared for
The flawless melody coming from your heart
Brightens up a dreary day that dawned dismally
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poem by Meggie Gultiano
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Remembering You (for my sister)
She was always up early before sunrise
Prepared her teaching kit and some provision
To catch an early ride is a prize
And to be with her students was her great mission
Happily she gave all her earnings to our mother
She have to save enough, no parties, no boyfriend
Oh, she loves us very much, she was a dear
She is a sister, a loving daughter, she is a friend
She loves to dance and sing at her heart's content
Even in the wee hours, we're on top of the world
I missed her every now and then
And my love for her that was never told
To a far away place she went
Life then was not easy to keep afloat each day
And so all her earnings she sent
And saved enough for rainy day.
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poem by Meggie Gultiano
Added by Poetry Lover
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The Preacher Can't Spell
this is for you, David Harris (LOL)
Have you ever heard of a preacher
who cannot spell?
never heard? oh, yes, i do..he he
were you able to read his notes for his sermons
and the words just scrambled
and the spelling is bad..oh, bad...
nahhh, i have noticed it..LOL
he went to school to learn
how to read and write
and guess what..spell the words right!
still, he can't spell it, his lips so tight
he seeped all the ink in his pen
he told me, that's why
and the pencil, he bite with all his might
see? what a beautiful sight.
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poem by Meggie Gultiano
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Another Chapter
The clock strikes twilight in the chapel.
She lies on the floor with outstretched hands
weeping in silence, in pain
the pain of leaving this place
her home of five joyous blessed years.
She closes her eyes...
listening to the Lord's voice in her heart.
'Shalom, my daughter
I love you so much
but I know deep within you
you want to be with him
you want to share your life with him.'
'In a special corner in your heart
let me in, let me love you more
I am always with you 'till the end
I will never leave you
my peace be with you! '
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poem by Meggie Gultiano
Added by Poetry Lover
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Thank You For The Music Dad
You went ahead
To welcome Mom in your arms
Forever holding hands together
In a permanent place you called home
Remembering you made my tears rolling
You are a good provider, our strength
Our teacher, friend and defender
You wanted to fill our home
with laughter and songs
you always smile, hear our cries
you cover us with your mantle of love
you never disciplined us with your stick
you taught us how to listen, not to be judgmental
to love and to be sensitive
to the needs of others
I always run to you when i am down
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poem by Meggie Gultiano
Added by Poetry Lover
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The Rescue
a little boy and a girl of seven
went to swim in the river at ten
after school was over
time to relax, time to enjoy
no more classes, vacation is here again
it was sunny, and the river was calm
fine weather, went to swim, they don't give a damn
suddenly it rained so hard
rushing sound from above
thunder and lightning seems to hit the place
waters from the mountain rushing in so fast
swimming as fast as they can
to a safer ground, where there were other friends waiting
ahh, the girl sighed in relief..she was saved!
the boy did not make it
his lifeless body was found few meters away from her
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poem by Meggie Gultiano
Added by Poetry Lover
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