One Cannot Save the Whole World.
However, one can save one of few
Because everybody is on their way, eventually all became new.
Life is a school room for all of us here,
Miracle do not happen too often, at last until we became sincere.
If one has a bad life style which ruins the health,
One cannot be healed in a moment.
When continues that same which caused the first time,
No way the miracle will help, not even in another prime.
What can we do? Just go on, tell what is on your mind,
But do not try hard, just relax, do your best and unwind.
Whoever understand what you try to teach,
Call it good, be content with those, who you can reach.
There is no place to pick up an argument,
Try to prove only your way is competent,
Love the people who listens to your idea,
Let go the rest, let them learn their lesson in what is their area.
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poem by LaSoaphia QuXazs
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Tragic in the World.
If you can learn from all the tragic in the world
You can come out as a winner.
But, only if you find the true Spirit, humbleness,
Appreciation for all life, with the great faith in goodness.
Not in fear, tragic or just in a poor survival,
Learn to see the great riches everywhere,
Do not believe in shortage
See how many stars are in the sky,
How many grain of sand all around,
How many grass comes up, even in impossible
Even how much money is wasted by the governments.
If you are in this moment in the middle of it, do not
dwell on fear,
But keep telling yourself: 'I'll go through this & I open my mind
For plenty (or health or happiness) .
When you believe this, somehow life will bring lessons
To achieve your dream
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poem by LaSoaphia QuXazs
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Why Good or Why is it Bad?
The first time mankind found out the secret in paradise,
When they ate the forbidden fruit of good and bad for a surprise.
Since then people call happenings how they see,
Ignoring the truth, knowing not it is just positive and negative in Thee.
If one is searching for the truth can find it easily,
Many times bad can turn out good and good can turn into tragic suddenly.
All problems in our life comes from our own mind,
Without the truth we are pawns in this world, we are deaf and blind.
All the great teaching tell us that we have the free will,
If you think you can rule over others or the universe, you are ill.
The free will means you can choose between Life or malediction,
Follow your own feelings, have faith in God's goodness
Don't mind opposition.
We are here to learn and teach on the way we are able,
Stop calling names good or bad, go forward in peace and confidence.
Put your work on God's table.
Then, He will give you the understanding to every detail,
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poem by LaSoaphia QuXazs
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Fatal Sins and Solutions.
GREED: is the one when you want more,
Knowing not you get what you need to your next lesson.
Not what you want, the law of life you cannot ignore.
Be thankful for what you have or a better one, then you deserve
GLUTTONY: is known well by those, who eats, buys and waste too much
of everything
Mostly suffer for their gluttony never ending.
Find balance, don't be a prodigal child.
LUST: comes when you want to play the game of sex.
Without true feeling, just with a heartless reflex.
Be kind and loving without abuse.
SLOTH: or a lazy bum, who eventually cripples him/herself,
At the end blames the world & everybody in it or saying
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poem by LaSoaphia QuXazs
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Ode to the Enneagram.
The great question arrived, who am I?
Which number is my personality, is it sure or is it a tie?
For the moment I do some of all nine,
But I am sure neither is my line.
I am a child of the Universe; I have no boredom
With my present knowledge of wisdom.
My best number always leads me to progress,
Seeing all sides in constant awareness.
Progress through #1 is when I am hard working,
Focused, dedicated and measure everything.
Then I am the #2 who is flattering, responding to needs,
Keep busy doing my good deeds.
Certainly the #3 fits too as I walk away from negativity,
Feeling capable, successful, efficient, have future oriented identity.
Here comes #4 as a creative analyzer,
My artwork, poems, hobbies all shows my inner encounter.
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poem by LaSoaphia QuXazs
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You Have No Control Of Others, Only Yourself
Life is strange to those who don't know
Many go thru life as it comes with bliss or woe.
Looking always for good luck and foolish pleasures,
Knowing not that the uncontrolled mind
Can bring up bad luck or secret treasures.
If one listens for just any teachings of mankind
Specially if ignores the law of the Spirit
One can go blind.
Will be hooked on every earthly traps:
Foods, drinks, drugs and all pleasures,
Only sickness & malediction comes to them
With uncontrolled measures.
Only hope in the best, with faith in goodness,
Believing that everything works for true success,
No matter what happens, don't get angry, just call it 'good'
If you can believe, sooner of later it turns into good,
So, the law you really understood.
As it was said long ago, you have no control of others,
You have only yourself to blame or praise for anything happens.
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poem by LaSoaphia QuXazs
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Why is Sickness?
Some wise people say sickness born in the mind,
Not purposely, but from ignorance, which is not kind.
When the race-mind have power over some people,
They loose sight of the gracious living, fell off the steeple.
The mind creates the negativity, the eating habit follows,
So, the sickness develops. How? Nobody knows.
Then after thinking, having anger and hostility,
High blood pressure, then the heart troubles come into the vicinity.
When someone entertains thoughts of envy and jealousy,
Will loose his breath, life will and his lungs capacity.
The liver is the center of judgements & if it is negative, then with heavy drinking, fatty foods the liver will be offensive.
So many are fearful, cold, & do not wish to face anything,
The kidneys will brake down, specially from lots of animal food consuming.
When the person is materialistic the intestines will brake down,
Diarrhea comes when do not care, constipation when don't let go, hold on
Cancer is eating you up if you have a great regret
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poem by LaSoaphia QuXazs
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Secret of Life
You & me, we all have our own destination,
Everything is up to our life experiences and conception.
We shouldn't blame parents, genes or the other guy on the road,
Whatever happens to us, we attracted our own load.
Consciously or not, it is not the question,
Everything is a lesson to teach us for our direction.
If we want to have perfect health, good life and true happiness,
We have to understand nature's law to do only kindness.
First we have to learn to think accordingly,
Trust the power within to guide where we have to be.
Then, have courage to call everything 'good', no matter what it is,
This way the lesson will be clear, & in time we'll understand the prognosis.
If we oppose, it will be forced on us heavily,
If we go along without a grudge, it soon disappears completely.
In the meantime we must learn a lot about everything,
That we wouldn't be fooled with worldly messages or do not nothing.
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poem by LaSoaphia QuXazs
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What others do to me.
This is not in a poem form, but an important message.
When someone hurts me, I gave the reason,
When someone loves me, this is the answer for my behavior.
When someone corrects me, I showed ignorance,
Whatever others do to me, I gave the reason for all.
Can I blame anyone?
No! I can bless and love them with the love of God,
Because everything was necessary to bring out what I am today.
When someone gives me happiness, I can rejoice.
I made him/her happy first.
All happens, because what I see in others, it is in me.
They are mirroring back my hidden ways. If I like it,
good, I can be happy, if not, I have to look into myself
and stop doing those things and the people who
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poem by LaSoaphia QuXazs
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The first commandment is: Love yourself, because only then you can love & respect others and others will love & respect you.
Listen to yourself. What you think and say will come back to you many fold.
How you think, you pick up your food & lifestyle and what your life style is, what you are. If you do not like it, change your attitude.
What is on your mind, that is what you have to learn from.
Play your drum (whatever your talent is) for all to see because that is what you have to learn here and now in this life.
The teacher is the one who has to learn what he/she is teaching, so, teach, that is how you progress.
Trying to control life or fate is a foolish illusion, which brings sorrow, problems, sickness, but never what one wants.
Let go, let God, follow your feelings, let it be good or bad, because we all play out somebody's thoughts, as we are all connected with a silver line. One cannot be without the other. This is humanity, where everybody is an important part of the other.
If you do everything from the heart and happily praise or criticism have no effect on your peace or self confidence.
Whatever you think, eat, drink & do today will effect your health, good living & happiness tomorrow & in the future.
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poem by LaSoaphia QuXazs
Added by Poetry Lover
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