Vava Akhandalamanee Vavroovahana Patra
Vava Ahandalamanee attracts devotees;
Very beautiful looks the temple, distributes delight.
Vagabond boys become devotees on the shrine;
Victorious become women, men drinking the nectar of God as wine.
Vernal breeze kisses God’s temple delightfully;
Virginal offer garlands of champaks reverentially.
Visitors enjoy the beauty of the shrine gleefully;
Vivid beauty of the temple allures distant devotees enthusiastically.
Vices of women, men evaporate chanting hymns before the altar;
Virtue of devotees enhances in the lap of Nature.
Vital thing of life is God’s Bliss;
Vhagavana Shiva (God) fulfills all innocent devotees’ wish.
Vaiskyas(business men) donate money for shrines development;
Various fragrance flowers delight devotees with enchantment.
Valor of devotees increases reciting God’s name peacefully;
Value of life dazzles in society distinctly.
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poem by Vavroovahana Patra
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Siridi Sai Baba
SIRIDI SAI BABA Vavroovahana Patra
Siridi Sai Baba is everywhere;
Attracts devotees with pleasure.
At the age of sixteen Baba advises devotes;
Inspires to engage mind in social service with delight.
Baba advises to provide food to dogs, cattle and poor people daily;
Providing food derive peace daily.
On Thursday pray Baba delightfully;
Surrender on the Lotus Feet daily.
Baba is omnipresent;
Provides peace, merriment.
Protects devotee’s life;
Evaporates devotee’s grief.
I, the poet, pray Baba gaily;
Surrender on the Lotus Feet delightfully.
Baba is Vishnu, Rama, Krishna, Jagannath on Earth;
In four ages Baba incarnates with mirth.
Siridi is pure forever;
Baba smiles at Siridi with pleasure.
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poem by Vavroovahana Patra
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Utkalamanee Vavroovahana Patra
Bearded man comes to serve the destitute;
Bhargavee sings his glory with people’s gratitude.
Brother Gopabandhu served Odissa’s people as a real brother;
Beautiful Suando smiles with proide in the Lap of Nature.
Bakulavana’s Kokilakavee (a poet as cuckoo of the Bahula forest) serves people enthusiastically;
Benevolent heart of Utkalamanee enchants delightfully.
Beggars hungry fed by him sympathetically;
Boys and girls inspired with affection gleefully.
Bhagavat(Divine) quality pervades in his heart;
Beauteous is the actions of the hermit.
Blossoms of love, fraternity bloom in the society;
Breeze of sacrifice kisses all people with gaiety.
Behavior of Utkalamani inspired youths for human service;
Brother Gopabandhu was endowed with Divine Bliss.
Benediction, inspiration of Gopabandhu takes people on right path;
Brilliant poetic expressions pervades rays of mirth.
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poem by Vavroovahana Patra
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Crematorium, the Eternal Truth
Keeps the account of death,
the Eternal Truth,
Eternal souls
perish from this transient earth.
The fire of the crematorium
Sings the glory, dignity of
Eternal soul with glee and mirth.
The pebbles, the dust, the tinny bushes,
the tulsi plant are pure and sanctified,
awaits for human souls,
beloved’s life leaving behind the lover,
she is a devastating deity
remains on the river valley for ever.
All the human beings get the icy touch of death;
the melody of crematorium
reverberates in the mild breeze
touching the pure “Indravati’s” water
blaming the human life’s birth.
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poem by Vavroovahana Patra
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RADHAKRUSHNA Vavroovahna Patra
Vernal Breeze kisses Radhakrushna's temple daily;
Valentine's Day brings love in guys, girls gladly.
Various fragrant blossoms, flowers allure gaily;
Virgins entice boys on the temple shrine peacefully.
Very beautiful looks Kalia's temple on Earth;
Visitors, devotees, poets enjoy the beauty with mirth.
Vivid heavenly beauty of the temple attracts poets naturally;
Virtuous women, men pray Radhakrushna devotionally.
Veda's hymns reverberate on the shrine;
Vhagavana adorns the shrine with sun shine.
Vibration of devotional songs enchants the devotees;
Verses of poets provide peace, delight.
Veda's hymn vibrates in the environment;
Vibration of devotional songs brings merriment.
Vhagavana entices poets to the shrine cordially.
Various flowers fragrance enchants devotees mind gaily.
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poem by Vavroovahana Patra
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Vavroovahana Patra.
Fragrance of jasmines provides devotion;
Beauteous is God’s lovely creation.
Fragrance of agarvati inspires all daily;
Surrendering on the Lotus feet function duty gaily.
Fragrance of Lotus is delighting;
The beautiful shrine is attracting.
Mother Mahalaxmi blesses poets in morn;
Beauteous looks the lovely dawn.
Fragrance of Mahalaxmi’s shrine enhances devotion;
Beauteous is Maa’s mysterious creation.
Mother makes poor poets wealthy;
With her desire poets remain healthy.
Fragrance of ‘rajanigandha’ enhances love affection;
Beauteous looks entire creations.
Poets enjoy the beauty silently;
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poem by Vavroovahana Patra
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