A Slice of Paradise
Nestled in verdant woods,
on a low lying promontory,
The sequestered convent stood,
kissing the shadow of church steeples.
A safe haven to virgin grace,
A quiet abode!
Tranquil was the site
with a calm drowning the hubbub around.
Plants bowed under the weight of blooms
ready for offering at the altar in the shrine.
Dressed in dazzling white from top to toe,
and hoods in black, covering their heads,
Moved silent with easeful pace, the nuns,
like penguins, gliding over the ice.
Gently tip toed
to the chapel through the rear entrance,
The serenity of the scene,
overpowering the disquiet within,
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poem by Valsa George
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The Drop of a Feather
The dawn broke, tearing the dark shroud of gloom,
And lights turned on to greet another day,
Life taking its new course all around,
but in this room, life coming to an end!
No stir except the sound of faint breathing,
strangled hoarse within her feeble throat.
Walking over to the bed, I took her fragile hand,
and stroked it mildly in slow rhythm,
Smoothed the soft fleecy hair, lying dishevelled
that remained once so neatly combed.
I watched life gently slipping away,
The inevitable end to an eventful play!
Breaking all bounds, memories cascaded out,
and the mind changed into a river in spate,
Fondly surveyed her features and the face,
with a foreboding of never getting another chance.
Looked into the heart that held within,
an ocean of love that ebbed and swelled.
Words struggled to fly out from my lips,
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poem by Valsa George
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My Mother
Wrapped around in my swaddling clothes,
I saw her bright beaming face.
Lying helpless, still in a trance,
I sensed her soft soothing touch.
Warm it was when huddled tight,
Glad it was to be held close,
Pleasure it was to be lifted up,
And Heaven it was to be in her lap.
She took me in her gentle hands,
She fed me with her nourishing milk,
She made me sleep with lullabies sweet,
And kept alert on day and night.
As time slowly glided past,
I grew myself into a tiny tot.
I crawled around in sweeping haste,
Reaching out to all I could touch.
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poem by Valsa George
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You have raided my night again
as the burst of a sudden storm
Sneaking into my loneliness
at the most unexpected hour
Plunging me into swirls of pain
too deep for expression.
Leaving me to drift aimless
through the dingy avenues of the past
Never once able to sever the chord
that binds me so tight to those memoirs
Exposing me to torrid heat
with my soul, burning down….
Like a piece of smouldering coal
Sleepless are my nights
Dreamless are my days
Like the sundown shadows growing bigger
With every stride we take
The farther I move, the closer you follow.
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poem by Valsa George
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Blood Blossomed
Far away in ancient Jerusalem
Stood a garden, long, long ago
Home to giant oaks and figs
And plants and shrubs of every kind.
On every season, from time to time
Merrily they would burst into bloom
Filling the air with fragrance sweet
And fuelling the hearts with joy and cheer.
Amid the riot of flashing shades
Where Poppies and Pansies held their heads
In a corner, there a Lily stood,
Sans scent and sans grandeur.
A poor loner never once noticed
Nor skilled to steal the show,
Those, brilliant in shade and shape
With contempt openly quipped
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poem by Valsa George
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As I sat on my desk,
Hurrying with my pent up work,
A scrap of paper, left uncared,
Clumsily scrawled by tender hands,
Swept me right off my feet.
Distressing thoughts came undulating,
With a wave of remorse, surging over.
I see you darling, before my eyes,
Lying still in wreaths of blooms,
Your eyes so peacefully closed,
The delicate curls, bordering your face,
The innocent smile fading from your lips,
In a coffin, amid wailing friends and kin,
Like a vanishing dream, you lay.
In deep quiet, your body reposed,
Unmindful of everything around.
I still recall the day it occurred.
I was impatient with you as you dawdled,
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poem by Valsa George
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Growing out from childish pranks,
With the storm and stress of turbulent teens,
I locked within my mind’s cupboard,
A portrait vaguely sketched, but never finished.
Rough it was, though fancifully done,
The silhouette of a masculine figure,
The Gallant who would reach one day,
To hold my hand and own me his.
I had no inkling who he would,
Yet had fallen in love with that phantasmal figure,
He had dazzling eyes and sturdy limbs,
With striking features, ravishing to view,
Elusive ever to sight and touch,
He remained an enigma, abstract to grasp.
At times his contours grew distinct,
But soon blanched out into hazy lines,
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poem by Valsa George
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Among palm fronds and paddy fields
Stands veiled an ancient structure
Erstwhile the abode of innocence and ease
A house now left empty of its throng
Sheltering a happy brood, once it throbbed and thrived
Within whose walls, we were born and bred
Crying and whining, laughing and prattling
Pampered and cared, we grew as kids
Corrected and controlled, we grew into adults
Here we shared a thousand mingled thoughts
A hundred hopes, dreams and fears
Saw the dawn of placid summer morns
And the descent of cold winter nights.
With hurrying feet as Time treaded past
Migrated we to new terrains and climes
Like young birds out from their nests depart
To wider skies and heady heights.
Sweet home! Earthly haven!
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poem by Valsa George
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In the Sylvan Setting
There's nothing like the lovely rustic charm
Exuded by the far flung lush green country farm
Where trees in majesty sweep heaven with their crown
And birds, with celestial music, the surrounding valley drown
Where the air, so pristine and sweet like the forest glade
And Heaven, with rich profusion, bless the country wide.
Where the rural folk in relentless toil, values and pride
With their simple, artless and modest life reside
My senses have ere long etched every sight n' sound
Of that country side wherein my childhood inextricably bound
To those days of bliss, I would like to retreat
And splurge in memories that cascade down in surfeit.
On a beautiful day with the sun shining bright
And the white downy clouds lazily trailing west
We walked down to the creek to catch the silvery fish
And waited for them to come to the surface with a swish
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poem by Valsa George
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