Our Council House....Bitter sweet
Our council house....
Sat in the rows of anonymity
All red brick and
White crittle window frames
Which dripped condensation
A wonderful resource in poverty's
Young nostalgic days
Ran out of paper
No problem! ..
Just breath and draw till your hearts content
Erase with your sleeve and
Start again
Outside grey pavement framed neatly cut grass
And the red phone box
For graffiti
And 10p to call and ask 'will you go out with me? '
'Not bloody likely! ' came the reply
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poem by Karen Sinclair
Added by Poetry Lover
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Marmalades Revenge......Part of a long poem story
Please note... this is part of a book i am trying to write and is far from finished, based on characters i drew....or the other way round :)
'its a beautiful day, lets go for a lark' said Lady Marmalade 'i know Hyde Park! '
To her pal Lord Bailey, a short stout chap
'Oh whoopy! ' said he as he leapt on her lap
Before setting off they sat at the table
Gingham cloth, silverware as they called for Maid Mabel
Burnt toast, poached eggs, their just delight
Marmalade cross-legged
Bailey relished the sight
Mabel laid down two cups of Earl Grey
Whilst two happy chums made plans for the day
They would take Flamdunk the dog from next door
Who rarely got out, which they thought quite poor
Marmalade dashed off for her favourite toy
A bright yellow skateboard she'd took from a boy
Whilst Bailey leaned in his bestest toy box
Took out some poo sticks and some garish striped socks
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poem by Karen Sinclair
Added by Poetry Lover
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