Tiger, My Expired Dog.
Tiger, tiger, I mourn thy death,
even after forty years hence,
You were my friend and lover,
Keeping out thieves, animals
Out of our farmhouse, all the time,
Till you left me, since another
One was added to be your friend,
Which you could not bear,
Due to jealousy, since the love
You feared will be shared,
And you took to the streets,
Leaving us alone, making
Us hate, the other one Brownie,
We waited for you day and night,
To your return, which you never did,
And was run over by a truck.
We think of you how you saved
Me from a cobra's bite, by your
Timely attack from behind
And visit your place of rest
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poem by Ravikiran Arakkal
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Marriages Are Made In Heaven
Marriages like the registry
Are made in heaven,
With the relatives, friends
Making earthly arrangements
Of beds, flowers, wedding suits,
Feasts, ceremonies, bethrotals
All complete to make
The pair unite in sheer bliss
Living, copulating for
Indescribable years of harmony,
Love, making children,
But now that seperations,
Divorces in huge numbers,
The wedding God and staff
Having a busy schedule,
Late night work of remarriages,
With enough confusions,
Complication, errors to boot
To the normal workstyle
Of yesterages where
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poem by Ravikiran Arakkal
Added by Poetry Lover
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Iwas always waitng,
waiting for dinner to be served
waiting for my daughter to out,
Waiting for the servicing of the car,
waiting for the bus to come,
Waiting for the train to arrive,
waitng for the night sleep,
Waiting for the calls on phone,
Waiting the credit card to be mailed,
Waiting for the ration card,
waiting for renewal of driving licence,
Waiting the daughter to come,
Waiting for good word from the boss,
Waiting in Q for the ATM,
Waiting for the email response,
Waiting for the promotions,
Waiting for daughter's results
Waiting for a praise from my wife,
Waiting for the friends to gather,
Waitnig for a fove star meal,
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poem by Ravikiran Arakkal
Added by Poetry Lover
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Abdul Kalam - Ex President
A boy in teens got up at four
In the morning to sell
Newspapers in the area
To make a living
And go to school,
Studying very hard,
His father dead and
Fisherman uncle bringing
Him up giving words
Of encouragement he never
Forgot climbed the steps
Of colleges doing his
Engineering and joining
A foremost venture,
To become a leader
A motivator, and a mentor,
To lauch rockets and satellite
From a country so poor
To feed all the populace,
And became the President
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poem by Ravikiran Arakkal
Added by Poetry Lover
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World War Veteran.
he limped from chair
To chair, walked along
With the help of a stick,
Sat on the steps
Of the memorial,
recollecting his years of war,
Hunger, pet infested farms,
His lady love of war days,
Their short stay together,
The joy they shared,
The mud which he crossed,
How his stockings took
away his skin after month's
Of wearing, the death
Of his fellow soldiers,
Burst of shells, heavy bombings,
Search for water,
Trip through forests on day's end,
The joyous arrival of news
Spontaneously of winning
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poem by Ravikiran Arakkal
Added by Poetry Lover
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Tiannamen Square
The square of men and women,
Mao tse tung the erstwhile
Dictator smiled in glee
At the red flags abounding it,
With people in China
In long lasting red dictatorship
Of the remannants of red army,
The chiefs most powerful
In the world, causing
The students to rise and summon
In the square, who were
mercilessly shot down
In minutes, numbering
Three thousand to make
One of the mass massacre,
In one place in modern times,
But futile were their attempts,
Only to culminate to make
A President in american style,
More powerful, but a dictator,
[...] Read more
poem by Ravikiran Arakkal
Added by Poetry Lover
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