A Child was born
What happiness!
Mother too tired
Still in pain
But what's that? ! Hey!
Child in good health!
That is the Miracle!
Nothing of shame..
Beautiful Angel
First breast feeding
First glance, first smile
Frst call, first step!
All these are blessing
Memories that warms
Even the coldest heart
Lights any face!
That are the Miracles!
Nothing of shame..
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poem by Elena Sandu
Added by Poetry Lover
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A Heart Trade
Long time ago
A woman tried to trade her own heart: ..
My tears, would you please get dry? !
Is there somebody or something
To stop Me, stop my Cry?
Abyss! !
Release my body and my soul! Despair! !
My heart, is not your home:
Go! Disappear! Disintegrate! !
Get Homeless! Hungry! Die! ! !
Aww.. Heart to become a killer? !
Can't! ..
Not even the despair and loneliness..
I know, they're bad..But they are personal
They're mine! ..
[...] Read more
poem by Elena Sandu
Added by Poetry Lover
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The River
Last Sunday
I spent a whole day
with a beautiful river
trying to feel close
to each being, each thing,
even to become one with everything
that surrounded me.
In some way,
I learned from the natural
flow of water
what it means not to look back.
I should remember that river
every time I need to forget the past.
And it helps me to not mind much the now...
Why? Well don't you see how
"Now" is going into the Past fast?
So, the river taught me to aim forward.
It may last.
I tried to follow it
with my eyes towards the horizon.
[...] Read more
poem by Elena Sandu
Added by Poetry Lover
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Hard Working Man (English ~Japanese version)
Work work work work!
Work work work work!
Work to accumulate!
Work to achieve!
Can you dare to live?
Far Far Far Far
Far Far Far Far
Far from a wife
Far from the kids
What a nightmare dream!
Dream! Dream Dream Dream
Dream! Dream Dream Dream
Stop stop dreaming
Start start living
Drag self out of dream!
Speak speak speak speak
Speak speak speak speak!
[...] Read more
poem by Elena Sandu
Added by Poetry Lover
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The wall English and Japanese version
the Wall
In front of a wall.
For my instinct.
One knock
I give.
For every
I try
to feel the wall
by touching it
my feet
my arms
my head
my heart..
All of the sudden
I feel
the greatest need
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poem by Elena Sandu
Added by Poetry Lover
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cherry tree (English and Japanese)
-Good morning sir!
To the man
who blocked her way
a little child said.
-Good morning
and good day
to you my girl!
May I ask some questions
-Dont know sir..Yes..Words..
I do not fear
-Are you alone?
-Maybe, don't know..
you may say so, sir
my parents gone
to clouds for so long..
[...] Read more
poem by Elena Sandu
Added by Poetry Lover
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