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V. Hugo Dusenbury

Shake, Mulleary And Go-Ethe


I have a bookcase, which is what
Many much better men have not.
There are no books inside, for books,
I am afraid, might spoil its looks.
But I've three busts, all second-hand,
Upon the top. You understand
I could not put them underneath -
Shake, Mulleary and Go-ethe.


Shake was a dramatist of note;
He lived by writing things to quote,
He long ago put on his shroud:
Some of his works are rather loud.
His bald-spot's dusty, I suppose.
I know there's dust upon his nose.
I'll have to give each nose a sheath -

[...] Read more

poem by V. Hugo Dusenbury from Puck (1880)Report problemRelated quotes
Added by Dan Costinaş
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