Don't Disturb
Disturb not my peace! Oh flowers!
With your sweet scents, that haunt, daunt
Worse, your prattle with butterflies
Lest her thoughts retrace my heart; taunt
Disturb not my sloth! Oh silly winds
With your grating, gyrating caresses
You rind my confidence, I had
Been pretending with courage-false
Disturb not my silence! Oh senses!
With dreams, desires and promises
I spurned long ago your finesse
When she took my love; gave distress
poem by Sathya Narayana
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We crave it, when young, in rage
Scared of it, when wise, to divulge
Love! The undeterring vice of any age
Underlines our life at every stage
What an onus laden on man
Since the “Adam”antine sin
Is it a curse or a boon?
He delivered to the whole clan
At dawn fills your bosom to the brims of thrills
But anon! Drills your heart to a well of tears
Culprit the love! The Cupid’s scourge
Always difficult to interpret it’s maze
poem by Sathya Narayana
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I hunt only when I’m hungry
Once full, my belly, I leave
The remnants for the beasts sundry
Neither I crave, nor I save
For morrow; that’s not in my diary
Bipods alas! Call me savage
To them killing is a joy crazy
For currency, power and prestige
Outrageous this is! Oh Almighty
Give us too some language
To fight out this nasty publicity
Let lions create a new adage
To end this mean human supremacy
That “human means super-savage”
poem by Sathya Narayana
Added by Poetry Lover
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Like A Lotus
My eyes haven’t become glass balls
They well; when they see dolour
Of deprived churls; blood curdles
Somewhere deep from the entrails
Bursts out aloud, a painful shrill
People sneer; call me a fool
“This world you can never overhaul
Reconcile! Mingle with evil
Learn the art of survival”
These are morals from grass blades
With winds in tune they waggle
But I wish I live like lotus
Born and dwell in filthy pool
I still fight the surrounding foul
poem by Sathya Narayana
Added by Poetry Lover
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He took her into his hands
Pressed close to his chest
Caressed her little head
With his firm fingers
She looked at him fondly
Shrunk further into his hands
And rubbed them with its beak
Must be her way of kissing
She thought, “I’m lucky
His looks are so kind
His touch so loving
His is so caring
Isn’t it so fascinating?
A friendship between
A chicken and a human;
The superior being
[...] Read more
poem by Sathya Narayana
Added by Poetry Lover
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My Old Clock
I love to teach
As well to get taught
Isn’t it so nice?
To be a master and taunt
A young innocent face
With whatever I learnt
In the fifty years
I did melt
Isn’t it
Even more beautiful
In a lotus pose to squat
Like an obedient pupil
On cold rocky floor
Before a ripened scholar
With a clean slate
And a piece of chalk
They mirroring
My ignorance dark
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poem by Sathya Narayana
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In Search Of Freedom
In search of freedom; how strange
Waves are running away from oceans
Rays are running away from light
Can they ever sever from their founts?
Fastened are lives, likewise
One and all in this universe
To the unraveled hidden source
Yet humans run in nescience
Towards illusory independence
Stop your sprint dear straying mortals
Start searching your inner souls
Not really fathoms deep to grope
Well nigh the ultimate free rein
In the wellspring! The Mighty Divine! !
poem by Sathya Narayana
Added by Poetry Lover
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Forbidden Fruits
They are meant to be kept
Under chastity quilts
By function they excrete;
Stink and a shame to exhibit
Damn with these new age tastes
Cat-walking are private parts
With unabashed conceit
Acts done under thick night sheets
Are moaning wild on blue screens
Voyeurs are hailed as connoissures
And sadists as epicurians
Yeah! Waning must be the effects
Of forbidden wisdom fruits
On humans; eons after; at last
Blinded are they of distinction
Between beauty and obscenity
poem by Sathya Narayana
Added by Poetry Lover
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My Love
LOVE! Like a jasmine so fragrant
Invisible and inherent, yet flagrant
Diffusing its scents without asking for it
No need crush the flower to extract
It is yours always, I gave the patent
Whether you take it wholehearted
Or pretend not to admit the fact
Well seized is your tender heart
In the clutches of my endearment
Futile are your feeble efforts
To breakout is not within your might
My love and I like scent and flower
Inseparable forever, that is right! ! !
poem by Sathya Narayana
Added by Poetry Lover
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You And Bonsais
Hundred years seem to you
A very short journey
In the time’s whirlwind
One day you dropp
Like a tender bough
Feeling scant of the saps
You sipped from the Earth
And wait for a new life!
May be many a life
To slake fully your thirst
Ignore the callus dwarfs
With stunted brains
Who may feel complete
Even at young sixties
They are just bonsais
At two feet from the floor
They claim of holding
[...] Read more
poem by Sathya Narayana
Added by Poetry Lover
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