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Roy Allen

Today... 'Jesus the Christ

Now, He was The Christ, Saviour of the World
to His disciples this truth He revealed.
The Long Promised One by prophets foretold.
This secret was kept, the world was not told.

On to Jerusalem, He then had to go
to lay down His life, His love to us show.
Climbing the steep hill, rough pathways He trod.
T'was the only way to bring us to God

Onward and upward, there's no other way
but to give His life, our great debt to pay.
They spat upon Him, their insults they hurled.
As they killed The Christ, Saviour of the World.

"Father forgive them, " out loud He had cried
as He bowed His Head, surrendered and died.
Great silence then spread, the darkness unfurled
For He was The Christ, Saviour of the World.

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Today... 'The Covert from the Tempest

Behold a king shall in righteousness reign
and rivers of water cover this dry plain.
Like the shadow of a rock in a weary land
we see the great Covert from the Tempest stand.

Hidden in the Covert from the Tempest sore
there in His body on the cross my sins He bore.
For Christ has borne the Tempest of a Just God.
The great penalty of the laws awful rod.

Now safely sheltered beneath the cross am I.
The mighty Angel of Death will pass me by.
For my Covert from the Tempestuous rages
is beneath the Cross where I'm safe from its ravages.

Justice and Mercy kissed on Calvary's tree.
The law of God is now satisfied for me.
Wonderful peace, perfectly serene and still
can be found at the cross on Calvary's hill.

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Today... 'The Ancient Of Days

The Ancient of Days will judgement proclaim
and rule in favour of those called by His name.
The time will come when all His followers shall
inherit heavens kingdom and will prevail.

There standing before the great hosts in heaven
where an eternal kingdom He has been given.
Comprising of every tongue and nation
all praising the Author of their salvation.

Every tribe and kindred will gather there
each one set free from their shame and sins despair.
Completely broken is Satan's hold on them
no more can he point to their sin and condemn.

The travail of His soul will be satisfied
as unnumbered saints gather there at His side.
The eternal kingdom of Christ has begun
and victory over sin and death has been won.

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Today... 'Consuming Fire

Behold the Name of the Lord comes from afar
in dense clouds of smoke as a consuming fire.
His great glory from the mountaintop shines forth
with burning anger and with lips full of wrath,

The earth trembles and quakes on hearing His name
for He parted the heavens and down He came.
Mounted upon cherubim He flew so high
and soared on the wings of the wind in the sky.

Breathing rushing torrents and causing disruption
shaking the nations in His sieve of destruction.
This Awesome God is the creator of all
and before His throne the angels prostrate fall.

Surrounded in beams of uncreated light
This Jehovah God is a majestic sight.
My cry came to His ears and He heard my voice
He lifted me up causing me to rejoice.

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Today... 'Brother of His disciples

Jesus' brothers and sisters and mothers are we
and born by God's Spirit into His family
through obedience and doing the will of God.
Each of us is redeemed by the blood of the Lord.

Part of His glorious body on earth are we
and we'll be One in Him throughout eternity.
This heavenly family is more like the Lord
as we reach out to others with the love of God

Against the very gates of hell the church endures
as the ages pass by and Christ's body matures.
A great multitude of saints are gathered above
all brought together by the power of His love.

Each precious member has been from sin set free
heirs of God and joint heirs with Jesus Christ are we.
All destined to be with Him in Heaven above
saved and redeemed by the power of His great love

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Today... 'Faithful and True

Faithful and True on a white horse You now ride
bursting from heaven as its doors open wide.
With justice You war against the enemy.
They've no way to escape and nowhere to flee.

Not on a donkey as in Jerusalem that day
but on a white horse You gallop on Your way.
Our Bastion of Truth rides in majesty.
The ruler of God's creation sets us free.

Eyes of flashing fire and with diadems crowned.
'Word of God' Your great name in heaven renowned.
Out of Your mouth comes a sharp two edgéd sword.
You are Faithful and True and the Living Word.

The armies of heaven follow in Your wake
to judge all the nations that Your law forsake.
Until all Your foes are vanquished from Your sight.
As through faith in You Grace and Truth we unite.

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Today... 'Greater than Jonah

Jonah with Jesus could not remotely compare
for none like my Lord Jesus can be found anywhere.
Jonah in his disobedience ran away,
But Jesus in obedience determined to stay.

Into the depths of the sea Jonah was then sent
but into the depths of hell my Saviour went.
For three days under the sea Jonah had to stay
but Jesus in triumph tore the bars of death away.

Jonah cried out to God and from drowning was spared
But my Lord was forsaken and not a soul cared.
Jonah's message to Nineveh was restricted
but my Lords work saved the world as was predicted.

Jesus my Lord and God is far beyond compare
and His glory with another He will not share.
That is why the people on earth heard Him declare
That One much greater than Jonah was standing there.

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Today... 'The Christ of God

Who do you say I am? , You enquired.
Then Peter replied with words so inspired
'The Christ of God and the Promised One
The Messiah and God's Only Son.'

These words not revealed by flesh and blood.
But by the Holy Spirit of God.
For there to Peter had been revealed
this great secrets from the world concealed.

For when in Christ we come to believe
then forgiveness for sin we receive
In Christ all the fullness of God dwells.
A secret that the Holy Spirit tells.

Jesus is the One the prophets foretold.
The Anointed One promised of old
Who came to fulfil all prophecy
and lay down His life for you and me.

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Today... 'Despised And Rejected Of Men

'Here is your king.' Pilate said speaking to the Jews
'I can set Him free now it's up to you to choose.'
'Away with Him we will not have rule over us'
was their shout before him as they made a great fuss.

He was a Man despised and rejected by men
scorned and hated by the people around Him then.
A Man of sorrows Who was acquainted with grief
And we hid our faces from Him in unbelief.

He was reviled by all and we esteemed Him not.
A worm handed over to them by a despot.
On His own He climbed up that steep Calvary hill
in His determination to fulfil God's will.

He's rejected by men and forsaken of God.
All alone the steep road through Golgotha He trod.
'My God why have You forsaken Me' was His cry
as upon the cross He bowed down His head to die.

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Today... 'Angel

O great Angel and deliverer coming from heaven
The One to whom God's great Name as been given.
Protecting us from all harm you guide the way
Sent ahead to lead as we follow You and obey.

Wondrous Angel and messenger from heaven come
bringing God's message and leading us home.
Mighty One doing His bidding and showing His love
Angel of reconciliation bringing grace from above.

For God shows His mercy in forgiving our rebellion
His message to the world of love and reconciliation.
He sent His beloved Son into the world to save
to set us free from the tyranny of an awful grave.

He came into our world laying His glory aside
This Angel of God outstretched His arms so wide
embraced the world in His love when He died
poured out His life giving blood to bring us inside.

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