Today... 'Greater than Solomon
Solomon with Christ the Lord could never compare
For none like my Lord Jesus can be found anywhere
Solomon's great wisdom and glory was renowned
But in Christ God's Wisdom and Glory can be found
The treasures of Solomon just faded away
But the vast riches of Jesus will always stay
Though wise and rich king Solomon turned out to be
Jesus Christ is so much more powerful than he.
Jesus my Lord and God is far beyond compare
And His glory with another He will not share
That is why the people on earth heard Him declare
That One greater than Solomon was standing there
(see also the additional information in the Poet's notes box)
poem by Roy Allen
Added by Poetry Lover
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Today... 'The Fellow Of The Lord of Hosts
The shepherd is smitten and the sheep have fled
It happened just as the Lord of Hosts had said
'A sword will strike the man that is my fellow'
And from His wounded side crimson blood shall flow
The deep wounds that He bore came from God's great wrath
From the land of the living He was cut off
And for our transgressions He was crucified
When there upon the cross He was pierced and died.
For smitten and acquainted with grief was He
As he hung there on Calvary's cross for me
The price for my sins He was willing to pay
To bring back this lost sheep that had gone astray
(see also the additional information in the Poet's notes box)
poem by Roy Allen
Added by Poetry Lover
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Today... 'The Firstborn
A glorious crescendo in the heavens rang
when at Your birth the mighty angelic host sang.
Glory to God in the highest and peace to men
for God's Firstborn Son had come to earth from heaven.
The most exalted of all the kings of the earth.
is the Son of God born to us by virgin birth.
Eternally Begotten of His Father God
had become a man and along earths pathways trod
All the angels who worshipped him looked down in awe
unable to comprehend the sight they now saw.
Never before had they seen this view from heaven
God, the Firstborn was walking on earth amongst men.
(see also the additional information in the Poet's notes box below)
poem by Roy Allen
Added by Poetry Lover
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Today... 'The Eternal Spirit
There's no need for ceremonial sacrifice
now that we have been cleansed by the blood of Christ.
For where the blood of bulls and goats could not atone
we've been saved by the precious Blood of Christ alone.
When Jesus through the Eternal Spirit offered
Himself a sacrifice to God as He suffered
entering that Holy Place standing before God
obtaining eternal redemption by His blood
Suffering the shame and ignominy of the cross
To remove forever all of our sinful dross
Our Great Prophet and High Priest cleansed us with His blood
so that we can now live to serve the living God
(see also the additional information in the Poet's notes box below)
poem by Roy Allen
Added by Poetry Lover
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Today... 'Belovèd
Oh wondrous Son born of love Divine.
God had said 'Belovèd Son of mine.'
The word of God proclaimed from above
'Jesus is the Son of my great love.'
To the praise of His glorious grace
that I no longer live in disgrace.
A son of God, I've been born anew
and accepted in the Belovèd too.
I have redemption through Jesus blood
by the will and good pleasure of my God.
Which He had purposed in Christ to be
and in His wisdom lavished upon me.
When all the times have become fulfilled
in accordance to what God has willed.
One in Christ's great family I will be
gathered to the praise of His glory.
[...] Read more
poem by Roy Allen
Added by Poetry Lover
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Today... 'My Hiding Place from the wind
The storms can ravage and the mighty winds may blow
For me there is a secure hiding where I can go
It is beneath the cross of Jesus where I can stand
The shadow of a mighty rock in this weary land
So Satan may roar and try his best to claim me back
But my Lord has conquered him and stops him in his track
For the Devil can no longer have any hold on me
Because Jesus died giving His life to set me free
In Him and Him alone my security is found
He is my covert from the tempest raging around.
For I am eternally safe in Jesus my Lord
taking my stand in Him and resting upon His word.
(see also the additional information in the Poet's notes box below)
poem by Roy Allen
Added by Poetry Lover
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Today... 'The Eternal God
The great Eternal God is also the Almighty
and He rides all the clouds of heaven in majesty.
He is a mighty stronghold and shelter from all harm
and underneath us is placed His everlasting arm.
To the Only Wise God shall all glory be given
all the praises and the worship of those in heaven.
For He has made Himself known to us through Jesus Christ
when He outstretched His arms in loving sacrifice.
To the Only Wise God all glory and honour be
for He has destroyed and driven out our enemy.
No one can even compare to the Eternal God
now all people can call upon the name of the Lord.
(see also the additional information in the Poet's notes box below)
poem by Roy Allen
Added by Poetry Lover
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Today... 'Christ the Lord
In David's town the promised Saviour came
Christ the Lord was His name
The Counsellor and Almighty God lay
A Babe in Bethlehem's cradle that day.
Angels in heaven his glory declare
Local shepherds came to worship Him there
Eastern wise men followed His natal star
And travelled to see Him from lands afar.
Words of Isaiah that prophet of old
Of His glory and virgin birth foretold
'To us a child is born Who is the Lord
Wonderful Counsellor and Mighty God'
This wondrous child of God in whom we see
The fullness of the Godhead bodily
Is none other than Jesus Christ the Lord
The promised Saviour foretold in Gods Word
[...] Read more
poem by Roy Allen
Added by Poetry Lover
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Today... 'Desired Of All Nations
In Abraham all nations God again will bless
Through His Only Son The Lord of Righteousness
Heaven and earth He is once more about to shake
As the Desired of all Nations His place shall take
The earth has now been shaken by God's Holy Word
And it's values are turned upside down by the Lord
For God's house is filled with songs of worship and praise
As the redeemed of mankind their great anthem raise
The gospel throughout the world has now been made known
And Christ has ascended to sit upon the throne
Heaven and earth are filled with His glory and peace
Praise to the Desired of all nations will not cease
(see also the additional information below in the Poet's box)
poem by Roy Allen
Added by Poetry Lover
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Today... 'Christ our Hope
All is not lost, there's still hope and no need for fear.
Do not weep for The Lion of Judah is here.
The Root of king David has triumphed and prevailed.
The scroll has been opened and His glory unveiled.
And now throughout the heavens this new song peals.
'You're worthy to take the scroll to open its seals'.
For with Your blood You purchased us when You were slain
And made us a kingdom and priests on earth to reign.'
Hallelujah Christ is our hope and certainty.
No one can ever dispute His sovereignty.
He now reigns as the King of kings and Lord of lords
And all that hoped in Him shall receive their rewards.
(see also the additional information below in the Poet's box)
poem by Roy Allen
Added by Poetry Lover
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