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Robin Pratt

The hot hot sun

The hot hot sun
my skin skin skin
irksome infants
a din din din
could get under
my skin skin skin.
take a breath
a deep belly breath
let your diaphragm do the work
vorsprung durch inhallation
the oxygen bubbles into my blood
the heat touches my
my mind absorbs those mutual benefits
slows, calms, immersed a gentle euphoria
and the warmth of the breeze embraces
I feel the joy joy joy

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Utter perfection

Blackberry (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
A warm September evening
The birds happy
the sun bright
my dog hunting for rabbits and squirrels
still and barmy
happy and chilled
The air live with the buzzing of insects
them like me
seeking natures bountiful harvest.
Tonight the brambles laden
with heavy blackberries
each tastes different; slightly or lots
some sharp some sweet
ready or not too
Now this one
warm to the touch from the kiss of the sun's rays
bursts in my mouth
sweet, fragrant, delightful

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poem by Robin PrattReport problemRelated quotes
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It's been stolen

The rain is hammering on our windows,
it's changed,
last week it was still warm
almost summer rain.

Now it's been stolen
along with the sun
dragged south
to give us our endless winter

To make it worse they mess with the clocks
make the darkness worse
the night longer.
I need the light and the sun!

I need that week in Seville again
tapas bars open on the street
sun hot on my skin
bright in my eyes, a joyful atmosphere

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poem by Robin PrattReport problemRelated quotes
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