A Taste For Truth!
I speak the truth I discover
In Self, world, Nature, Universe, God…
I express truth in poetry I explore
In Arts, woman and Nature.
I intellectually analyse truth I experience
In life, work, interactions, the incidences…
I philosophise over truth I observe
In experience, books, others….
I ponder over truth I notice
In experiment, observation, inference…
I infer the truth I analyse
In experiment, experience, observation….
I intellectually love truth I search for
In news, stories, articles, etc.
poem by Ramesh T A
Added by Poetry Lover
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A Creative Dream!
Kaleidoscopic dreams are beautiful
As the architectural beauty here!
Beauty of Nature reflected in art
A wonderful dream it is to muse!
Nature, art and dreams are colourful
With the imagination enhancing scope
To see a wonderful creative process
Materializing into great master piece!
Dreaming in Nature mind of art finds
Wonderful pasture to enjoy unique joy
Leading the poet to compose poems
Artistic, natural and fantastic forever!
Mind full of artistic ideas engrossed
In Nature poets dream great wonders!
poem by Ramesh T A
Added by Poetry Lover
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A Den Of Poetry!
Many poets I see on line today!
For fun many are indulging in poetry;
Not only amusement but also truth
Best ones produce in their poems!
Where can we find quality poetry
In the world poetry website as this one?
All are mixed with each other so much
That it is impossible to separate them!
All funny poems have to be skipped
For reading the really worthy ones!
To do so precious time is wasted
Everyday browsing on this website!
Finding the poetry true is finding treasure
In the depths of this deep poetry den!
poem by Ramesh T A
Added by Poetry Lover
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Forget Not Divine Justice!
Forget Not Divine Justice!
What discrepancies
Be corrected by what measures
We don't know,
But divine justice sure will
Do rectify them one day or other!
Man made justice
May be duped by loop holes of law,
But divine justice
Will surely take revenge
To bring order to world one day!
Till then the boat
Will only go with the stream current
And who can render
Justice to all the crimes
That are piling up on?
[...] Read more
poem by Ramesh T A
Added by Poetry Lover
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A Fear Or Love?
Are you a slave of fear?
If so you are not a man but an animal
Because animals can be controlled only by fear!
Are you a slave of love?
If so you are not an animal but an angel
Because angels are governed by love in heaven!
Are you afraid of truth?
If so you will be a slave of fear!
Are you in love with truth?
If so you will be a slave of love!
Fear cannot make one strong and happy;
Only love can make you strong and happy!
The sufferings for truth make you not weak;
They are concretising success at the end!
poem by Ramesh T A
Added by Poetry Lover
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A Knowledge Light For Bright Future!
Nothing can be known in darkness;
Darkness makes one ignorant in life.
Light only makes one see in darkness;
Light removes darkness to show a way.
Ignorance is removed by knowledge;
Knowledge is light power leads in life.
Festival of lights celebrates brightness
And Festival of lights starts light of life!
Light of knowledge gives confidence
And helps gain courage and wealth.
Wealth without knowledge can’t last
And can’t give courage and power!
Knowledge is must for bright future
As knowledge is bright power in life!
poem by Ramesh T A
Added by Poetry Lover
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A Better Life!
Love, marriage and divorce and
Again love, marriage and divorce
Celebrities' way of life so goes on!
Artists, actors and big shots live
Life for satisfying their own needs
Unlike simpletons living for others!
Who is satisfied and has lived better,
Lived longer fulfilling life's objectives
And left the world in peace and bliss?
It is a mystery many follow many ways
And the experiences of their lives come
In stories of many magazines to know!
Simple living and high thinking life only
Of all perhaps in Nature is better, know!
poem by Ramesh T A
Added by Poetry Lover
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A Dream Dance of Romance!
Rainbow shines colourful in dreams
When romantic heart is in full sway!
Golden spangle at sunset cools mind
When dream of romance kindles fun!
Popping of stars one by one is magic
When moon-rise brightens horizon!
White foams of waves reach seashore
When play of piano music is at it best!
Symphony of music is suitable for tango
When romance of lovers looks at fantasy!
Night splendour succumbs to silence
When romance reaches its climax still!
Dance of dream comes to its end point
When lovers kiss in gesture of completion!
poem by Ramesh T A
Added by Poetry Lover
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A Brief Way To Achieve Success Sure!
Without work nothing can be done;
Without knowing, no work can be done.
All developments depend on work;
No work can be done without pain!
For, there can’t be gain without pain.
Pleasure can’t be enjoyed without pain;
Pain is the first step to pleasure ever.
Trekking the mountain starts with jerks;
Careful steps to the top lead to success;
Success is the top peak of the mountain.
Maintaining top level is next work;
Without maintaining top position
Success cannot be retained forever.
This is the story to achieve success sure!
poem by Ramesh T A
Added by Poetry Lover
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A Beauty in Love
Act of love always flourishes joy!
Cheerful activity creates beauty
And a thing of beauty is a joy ever!
Sans love how can there be peace?
Loving peace is objective of romance
And romance continues till the end!
Nature, music and romance sway all!
All activities of Nature advocate love
And love eternally unites all to be all!
Beauty of love truly accrues joy ever!
Beauty is for love and truth for joy....
And love of beauty brings joy true sure!
Love of beauty never leaves one in pain as
Peace is in truth where beauty is in love!
poem by Ramesh T A
Added by Poetry Lover
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