An Approach To Development Of Humanism!
Nationalism, racism and monopolism develop domination;
Competition, control and protectionism keep world insecure;
Domination of economic and military power is animalism;
Cooperation and coordination develop peace and humanism!
To put an end to warring nature and domination sports help;
Olympics is a mark of civilisation bringing together all as one,
Develops friendship testing prowess in games in lieu of wars!
Healthy competition in business in lieu of monopoly is better!
Intellectualism and wisdom develop humanism on higher level
Through art, literature, music, poetry and paintings in society.
Globalisation of economy, politics, etc. promotes internationalism;
Culture, Nature preservation develop mysticism and spiritualism!
Approaches to development of humanism are many to follow
If the will of people is familiarised with the sense of one world!
poem by Ramesh T A
Added by Poetry Lover
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Hunting or Fishing?
Hunting or fishing – which is better?
That is what I am thinking about!
In business many hunt for customers;
Some men prefer casting net to catch fish!
Even for poets the position is the same
In poetry websites to catch readers!
Some lay wise traps to catch readers!
I use fishing rod with a needle and bait
To catch readers who can understand!
Whether the rank is high or low it is
Immaterial but the true comment is!
Hunting readers to comment and rank
Or fishing readers to comment and rank
Are not really going to enhance one’s status;
For, voluntary comments are indeed valuable!
Poets are jealous to appreciate others’ merit
But some poets raise the status of others!
So, letters to such poets increase sans end!
This is the status of poetry websites now!
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poem by Ramesh T A
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A Life Of Passionate Romantic Guys!
Partiality, favouritism and sentimental desire don’t see truth!
Passionately loving persons have all these aspects and more;
The decision they take based on heart’s desire is dramatic
And boisterously enjoy what they achieve of it with everyone!
If knowledge, maturity and wisdom are there with such a one,
There humour, gaiety and joy will be prevailing in their realm
Making everyone enjoy life to the full in a romantic manner
We all see in adventurous stories and novels or movies fantastic!
Such passionate loving guys never leave anyone go Scot-free
Unless they are satisfied with their whimsicality in any matter!
Caught in the net of these romantic persons one may see
Both good and bad deeds to be borne without any criticism!
Romantic attitude of passionate persons’ life is exceptional
And their domination in all walks of life makes or mars the world!
poem by Ramesh T A
Added by Poetry Lover
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Is Marriage A Drama?
In the name of culture drama is played to conduct marriage!
Bridegroom embraces priesthood and goes on pilgrimage;
Bride’s father stops and offers him his daughter for marriage!
He ties a yellow thread round her neck with three knots
Pledging security to parents, bride and children before fire
And the married couple lives together till the end of time!
For this event the bride waits for months together in suspense!
In life too if one difficulty is over it’s forgotten in happiness
Not knowing that another difficulty is waiting to be faced soon!
Life goes on with crises and solutions till salvation is attained!
Difficulties, suspenses and solutions at last are quite common;
Despite crises living together by God’s grace is bliss here!
Dramatic cultural life makes one bear joy and sorrow same way
And surmount ocean of life like the ship moves on up and down!
poem by Ramesh T A
Added by Poetry Lover
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A Romantic Life Adventure!
Sentimental, emotional, great characters love romantic life;
Passionate, engaged and attached they like to live long life;
Fun, entertainment and amusements they have in romance;
Romantic love life these human beings live true to heart ever!
Longing for love they do all to get the hand of sweet heart;
Love, marriages and divorces and love again they try ever!
For the satisfaction of the self they do romance forever here
And live alone ever in life longing for love till the end comes.
Romantic fellows lament about the friends and loves lost in life;
Beginning, middle and end the means followed never the same
Because adventure is the spice and taste of romantic life here;
Many yet live romantic life because the pleasure is exotic ever!
A romantic life is the dream of many a guy and girl since long
Though success is rare failures they are ready to face and die!
poem by Ramesh T A
Added by Poetry Lover
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Games, Gambling and Wars!
Playing game as training before waging war well
Kings, soldiers and all guys spent time in Chess!
As brave soldiers going to Mahabharata war then
All witness cricket players entering the field now!
Betting on cricket players go on outside the field
While spectators encouraging players as on arena!
Betting on horses in horse race after taking loan
There is no chance of knowing victory or defeat!
When game becomes serious after defeat both
Debtors and debtees have real fight to death now!
Same thing happened in Mahabharata epic too!
After dice game opponent became ruler ordering
Slaves spend 12 yrs. in forest and 1 yr. in incognito;
Then real war between Gauravas and Pandavas
Brought Lord Krishna to make dharma settle all!
If game becomes real act universal disaster is sure!
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poem by Ramesh T A
Added by Poetry Lover
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Nature Loves All!
By giving all Nature loves all to make life happy!
Nature loves creative expansion for the benefit of all
And endlessly indulges in expanding self to serve all.
This nature of paradise on Earth is unique in Universe!
Enjoying all man exploits Nature to its own destruction
Not knowing the source of love and life here is Nature
Carried away by his pride of knowledge and superiority
Over all creatures big or small being the master of world!
Animal nature tamed by love of Nature man is evolved!
Learnt he love but failed to realize it by material growth
Carried away by economic thoughts at the cost of humans
To accrue wealth and enjoy comforts believing this eternal!
Nothing is permanent in Nature as it is ever in change
To evolve better creatures according to the will of God.
Can man defy laws of Nature established by will of God?
No, never and so, it is better he goes on the path of love!
poem by Ramesh T A
Added by Poetry Lover
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Civilisation Or Culture For Good Life?
Best way of living is called culture varying from place to place;
Based on experience knowledge of better living helps a way
To be followed for living a satisfied and lasting life of fun here!
Modern life based on civilisation allows much room for freedom;
But lack of culture only classifies them under gypsy category!
Modern people rely on money believing it as a mark of civilisation
To live independently without giving importance to human beings!
But by the very nature of birth man is incomplete without company
And that makes man live in family rather than alone as an animal
That roams about in search of food and mate to satisfy its needs!
However many go by money to live mechanical life without risks
That helps one as long as health and strength are in good state;
But once they become weak by age and can’t manage alone
They long for love, family and children by their side till the end!
poem by Ramesh T A
Added by Poetry Lover
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A Big Or Brief Poetry......!
Big or brief, what is poetry?
Poetry is......
Creating beauty out of blemish,
Making order out of disorder,
Producing meaning out of musical words,
Creating Universal truth out of trivialities,
Arranging points out of less known facts!
Is poetry just making rhythm and rhyme
Without meaning, life, force and taste,
Without free flowing musical words,
Without words of music, beauty, fun?
Poetry is free flowing river of words
With full of images, lively and lovely,
Transporting from this world to that world
Forgetting himself and readers here!
Just end rhyme is not enough to make it so;
Internal rhymes make music in rhythm
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poem by Ramesh T A
Added by Poetry Lover
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A Greatest Instrument Of Sun!
Sun gives light and life to the world for the survival of all;
Powered by Sun leaves grew to be Trees to save all beings!
Sun gives energy to everything through Trees in the world;
Without Trees there is no shadow or shelter for all creatures!
Leaves, fruits and flowers of Trees give food and energy to all!
Sun gives energy directly to plants to supply energy as food
For all living beings to maintain ecological balance in the world;
So, cultivation, preservation and maintenance of Trees save world!
Deforestation and exploitation of natural resources endanger world!
Pollution by industrialization and mechanization shorten the life span
Sooner or later of Mother Earth that survives and sustains all beings
And gives warnings by droughts, storms and floods now and then!
Sun is not only the giver of life and light but also destroyer of all,
If the greatest instrument of Sun, the Tree is meddled with by man!
poem by Ramesh T A
Added by Poetry Lover
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