A Freedom By Poetry!
Poetic freedom is the real freedom for human race;
The freedom they enjoy nobody enjoys in the world!
Free birds are the poets leading the world to freedom;
Nothing can stop the poetic spirit of human beings here!
Human life is incomplete without poetry in the world;
Poetry expresses the dreams, visions and imagination
Not only of the poets but also of the whole of mankind!
Poetry is also the criticism of human life in the world.
Poetry talks about the past, present and future for all;
Tells about love, life, Nature and beauty, a full knowledge!
Otherwise not anyone can gain that by any way in the world
And the place of poetry nothing can capture or replace ever!
Humankind is inspired by poetry for freedom to achieve freedom
And education for freedom can be imparted only by poetry ever!
poem by Ramesh T A
Added by Poetry Lover
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A Beautiful World Life!
Creation of beauty is for attracting each and everyone;
Appreciation of beauty develops love between hearts!
Outer and inner beauty reflects real personality of one;
Mutual attraction of beauty leads to procreation ever.
Beauty, love and life are unique aspects of man’s world;
Those are not detected in other planets of the Universe.
Colourful beauty of life thriving on love is a wonder here
Depends on the preservation of Nature and culture ever!
Beauty lies in thinking, speaking and working in the world;
Doing things to perfection makes beauty and brings joy!
Intellectual thinking, gentle doing and spiritual meditation
Are all adding beauty to man’s nature to divine nature!
Nature is the mother of Earth fostering beauty and love
To enrich life with joy and pleasure leading to divine bliss!
poem by Ramesh T A
Added by Poetry Lover
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A Mystery of Dreams Explored!
Is dream born out of poetry or poetry out of dream?
Imagination is foundation for both coupled with passion!
Imagination, emotion and dreams weave poems of fantasy
To take one to the world of exotic nature from Nature!
Nature is the mother for all passion, dreams and fantasy
Urging to spin countless poems of heart to kindle thoughts
That mystics in communion with Nature explore high
To Stars, galaxies and heaven to bring divinity to human!
Sans a sense of feeling born of pure passion in Nature long
No sensation of exotic feeling can drive one to explore
Mystically the mysteries of miracles to discover divine spirit
Dwelling deep in all things of wonder present all over Universe!
Indwelling spirit in all activates mind in quest of wonders
Abound in Universe to realize Universal Spirit to reach at last!
poem by Ramesh T A
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A Rejuvenation Of Nature!
Green, green plants have grown great everywhere!
Rain has irrigated all fields to green by its fall well;
All barren lands have turned into green forests cool;
What a change Nature brings about by its unique spell!
Despite deforestation rain has afforested soon ever;
Nature’s unique way of healing the wounds is fantastic!
Man destroys for material development all resources;
But Nature rejuvenates even dead fields to green pasture!
In the recent trip to South I saw the great wonder of Nature
Everywhere putting me in astonishment by its healing spell!
Helping hand of Nature for rejuvenation man shouldn’t neglect
And turn to the path of afforestation to save global disaster!
All polluting acts man should curtail for natural rejuvenation
To make this world a place of heaven and not hell forever!
poem by Ramesh T A
Added by Poetry Lover
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A Cool Atmosphere Of Nature!
Hot day transforming into cool atmosphere by clouds
Makes it look winter continuation even after the season!
Concentration of winter though diluted the chill is there
Making setting of next season slow due to natural change.
Still heavy rain with floods in some parts of the world,
Snow accumulation in some parts and hot season beginning
Nature never relents to man’s exploitation very easily ever
Till everyone understands and respects Nature with care!
Reminds it that under the mercy of nature everything functions
And nothing can change the dictum whatever be man’s skill
To create a modern world of technology against Nature ever!
To have a good end means followed should also be good;
Bad end nobody likes indeed though means followed is bad;
Nature never allows greed to excel natural order by any means!
poem by Ramesh T A
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A Dark Moon Mystery!
Moon everybody knows since time immemorial to man
But dark Moon nobody knows yet since landing there
Some 40 years ago by first man Neil Armstrong of USA!
Stories, poems and scientific facts of bright Moon all know
But nothing of stories, scientific photos of dark Moon yet!
Have the known Aliens and UFOs come from dark Moon?
Bright Moon facing Earth revolves round waxing and waning
But the other side always dark Moon is a great mystery ever!
When mystery of dark Moon will be known time only knows!
Mystery of Moon provoked man to send rockets to explore
The land of Moon for life, raw materials and Space exploration;
Since landing on Moon in 1969 no efforts are made to know full!
Scientific exploration and inventions are very expensive for man
But poetic exploration and expression of Moon is economical fun!
poem by Ramesh T A
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A Love Lust!
Lust born of love is full of passion!
Passionate love rules life longer;
Ageless passion never diminishes
Even when death approaches fast!
Caught by the web of lust we live
Loving souls dear and intimate ever!
Heat, drought, rain, snow and storm
Can't change the decree of lust long!
Born of lust all can't escape its clutches
Albeit drunkards promise to stop drinking!
Kick of lust as the drunkards enjoy drinks
Always comes handy to satisfy one's thirst!
Even priests and sages stealthily enjoy it
Though they act to be strict by preaching!
Overcoming lust is a great feat higher than
Climbing Mount Everest to hoist flag ever!
[...] Read more
poem by Ramesh T A
Added by Poetry Lover
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A Colourful Rose Flower!
Colourful rose flowers give a beautiful idea of pleasure;
Lips of rose petals kiss everyone’s heart with pleasure!
Red rose transports one to the world of love and beauty;
Power of rose among all flowers is undisputed forever!
Red rose is for love, beauty, courage and respect, know!
Yellow rose is for joy, friendship, delight and new bonds!
White rose stands for purity, innocence and humility ever;
Pink rose is gifted for appreciation and thanks for deeds.
Orange rose is for desire, enthusiasm and passion ever!
Lavender rose is linked to love at first sight for all lovers!
Blue rose is for healing, dreams and mystery to be realised
And is recently genetically engineered and produced nice!
Who does not love rose flowers of many colours we see now?
Even rose petals are not left from extracting oil to make perfume!
poem by Ramesh T A
Added by Poetry Lover
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A Big Question To Ponder!
Aim of all in the world is to win in all matters!
Is it enough if you succeed in getting a degree?
Is it enough if you work till retirement in the job?
Is it enough if you live long from birth to death?
What is the use of degree if you don’t get true knowledge?
What is the use of job if you don’t achieve anything?
What is the use of life if you don’t achieve satisfaction?
Sans knowledge, achievement and satisfaction life is vain!
Why are we caught between pleasure and pain to live so long?
What is the purpose of our creation in the world in particular?
This is the big question everyone has to ponder sooner or later;
There lies answer for all other questions to get truth to glory!
Don’t we feel it is a great waste of time not to have done so?
So, where does lie the mistake in the system we all operate so?
poem by Ramesh T A
Added by Poetry Lover
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A Revolution Poetry Is....!
Are you writing words of rhythm according to thoughts?
Or are you coining words of thoughts according to rhythm?
Or are you writing poetry both working at the same time?
Asking so, if they ask me how to write poetry, what shall I say?
Poetry writing is natural, spontaneous expression from heart!
How can this be taught to anyone to write poetry ever at all?
Poetry is a spontaneous flow of words direct from heart ever!
I wonder many a time how am I writing poetry at all ever!
But this is happening to my great surprise since longtime!
Due to engagements ever poetry only I am able to write
Though my aim in the beginning was writing stories.....,
Novels, short stories and nonfiction articles of criticism!
Poetry books too I have completed writing so since long
But what a pity there is no reception for poetry books...!
poem by Ramesh T A
Added by Poetry Lover
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