A Dream Job Or Money?
Doing interesting job is the desire of many;
But getting a dream job is a coxcomb ever!
Money has become the token for everything;
Work of any kind is decided by money value;
Calculating money only everything is planned
Whether it is education or job or any matter!
How can this attitude of men be changed ever?
Satisfying job or money? – That is the question!
Many cannot say why they study the course or
Why they do the job of their interest or not ever!
For, they are not clear in vision, plan and execution.
Monotony, dissatisfaction and nightmare come soon
For many who go for money only from first to last!
Only for money attitude will land in disappointment!
poem by Ramesh T A
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A Natural Genius!
Inspiration from Nature makes me free
And free flow of words become fine poem!
Peacock dances out of zeal seeing rain clouds;
Nightingale sings enjoying Nature in fulfilment!
Nature is friend, philosopher and guide for all!
This truth animal, men and natural beings know!
Eye, ear, nose, tongue and feeling if sensitive
Lessons of Nature open heart to do all in love!
Ape and men learn from others to do all ever
As where intellect is strong instinct is weak!
If instinct, intellect and intuition are high sure
One will be super being creative as God or poet!
Engrossed in Nature's influence all comes naturally
For the genius doing great feat as singer, poet and all!
poem by Ramesh T A
Added by Poetry Lover
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True Independence Day
Sans sincerity, honesty and discipline
Freedom is nowhere to be found ever!
Corruption, malpractice and violence
Ever keep freedom at bay anywhere!
Birds enjoy freedom flying in open sky;
Fish enjoy freedom swimming in deep sea;
Lions and elephants wander as they wish;
Can we ever be free to do so...........at all?
If we are free as birds we enjoy freedom;
But are we really ablate to do so ever.....?
As Poet I have freedom of expression no one
Anywhere has as far as Poetry is concerned!
Man and woman should enjoy freedom ever
Free, frank and fearless as poets and birds are!
That day only the Independence day is true
And celebration of the day is joyful and real
poem by Ramesh T A
Added by Poetry Lover
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A Marvel against Odds!
Cold winter season depicts snow everywhere;
Himalayan mountains, Kashmir valley, Shimla
Even in summer are a resort to see snow ever!
Keeping coal fire close to body covered by blanket
Poor people withstand chill weather there ever!
Even in such severe weather condition people live!
Glaring white of snow everywhere makes eyes
Close or have a sun-glass to see out all day long
And people mind routine regularly without fail!
The thrill of skating on ice really makes joyful,
Keeps health in tip top condition to pull on well
And makes worst weather too best by play ever!
Making good of a bad bargain is an art man knows;
Deserts or snow hills, he marvels millions of years!
poem by Ramesh T A
Added by Poetry Lover
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A Gift of Lovers' Red Rose!
Lovers exchange red roses for Valentine's Day;
Why only Red Rose and Red Heart greeting cards?
Red is colour of blood vital for human survival!
Impure, used, blue blood turns pure red blood
By vital heart of body of flesh and bone in all!
Blood circulating all over in the body brings air
Fresh, pure and life supporting oxygen for man
Pumped and purified by heart ever till all life!
Red heart and rose denote vital heart, red blood
To keep this human body of flesh, bone and blood
Ever healthy, happy and hopeful of joy in all life!
Heart with Red Rose greets lovers with joy long
On Valentine's Day to celebrate love in life ever
Starting from Lovers' Day on all round the year!
poem by Ramesh T A
Added by Poetry Lover
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A Dizzy Moon Effect!
Dizzy Moon slowly drifting down to the west
And a few Stars peeping through mixed clouds
The Sea waves are lulling silently in darkness!
Tired after celebrating festival people take rest
In the beach seeing the boat displaying light
Of World Tourism Day near the Sea shore water!
A little beyond on the sands of Sea shore there
A wonderful water organ music is going on well
To ease the tense mood of the mob to jollity!
If there’s no wave movement what is the use of Sea?
It will not give the sensation of Sea to anyone there
And the tourists who have not seen Sea will feel dull!
Dizzy Moon effect has cast a drowsy spell there!
Night will dispose of the spell by cooling perhaps.
poem by Ramesh T A
Added by Poetry Lover
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Almighty's Romantic Will!
My God, I worship, is a romantic Almighty,
A greatest friend, philosopher and guide!
He shows love no one can show in the world!
He gives help no one can give at any time!
He raises the person fallen in the life of the world!
He helps the culprits to correct themselves long!
He lives eternally in atoms and Universe strong!
He guides the course of the world in all eras fine.
Philosophic truth, love and romantic life He likes;
Men are sheep not aware of the time of end ever!
God is the captain who leads the ship safe to shore
Though they propose several things in life long!
Man’s knowledge, science and technology are nil
Before natural disasters working under God’s will!
poem by Ramesh T A
Added by Poetry Lover
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A Life Journey!
Ignorance is darkness of cave under ocean!
Fear ever rules the mind of darkness sure!
Knowledge is power of Sun over life ever....!
Knowledge of all things is Stars of Universe!
Exploring this Universe is joy endless ever!
But journey sans destination is blind adventure
Leading one nowhere but to disillusionment only!
Fast accrual of all knowledge begins journey first;
Vision based on full knowledge gives whole picture;
Ambition then based on vision leads to achievement!
This life ambition only can make life enthusiastic,
Lead life journey with a purpose never deviating!
So, knowledge journey reveals all truths unknown
And also realize ultimate reality to be one with all!
poem by Ramesh T A
Added by Poetry Lover
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A Time Machine Mind!
Human mind, dreams, vision and imagination
Can transport one forward and backward in time.
Mind is the time machine to go to past and future
But time never goes backward but only forward;
Also, time never goes in circle but only straight!
Recollection of past is possible in the present;
Visualization of future is possible in the present;
But one cannot go to the past or future ever now!
Hour glass can show the time like clock of today
But it cannot bring back the past to reality now
Or bring to our vision the future of world now!
Mind is the time machine that can read history;
Mind is the same machine to see the future too;
But time never goes to the past but only to future!
poem by Ramesh T A
Added by Poetry Lover
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Culture And Civilisation
Culture cherishes where there is pastoral life;
All Epics and classics speak about that life.
Civilisation of court life is hypocritical, false;
Pastoral life of country side is true, natural!
Poetry flourishes where Nature and life mingle;
Prose and criticism survive in modern setup.
Blaring jazz music of cities is boisterous ever;
Folklore of farms is as beautiful as song birds!
Lust of civilsation lasts as long as body is divine;
Love of culture lasts as long as spirit survives!
City life and farm life go on works and holidays;
Villages are shrinking and cities are expanding!
Food, raw material and energy demands increase;
Pollution and population make the world hell now!
poem by Ramesh T A
Added by Poetry Lover
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