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Ramesh T A


World people believe in religion;
But terrorists rely on extremism!

World religion preaches love and peace;
But terrorism goes on hate and violence!

Poverty, unemployment drive to extremism;
But hate and violence drive world terrorism!

People love music, painting and dance;
But terrorists do mine and bomb blasts!

Artists have taste for beauty and love;
But terrorists cover by beard and parka!

Ascent of religion refines by mysticism;
But descent of religion leads to terrorism!

Fundamentalist education trains in terrorism;
But education and job only develops humanism!

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Where Lies Bliss?

Nature, music and love are great in life
A poet and mystic of high nature loves!
Spiritually satisfying Nature he enjoys
Like a free flying bird in this world...!

Whatever comforts one gets in the world
The sense of satisfaction and joy is unique
Each one tries to find in quest of truth
In art, woman and Nature all life forever!

The solace and comfort he seeks he gets
For sure mostly in Nature when all fails!
The expression of such a unique experience
In poems endless he lives forever to guide all!

One's time will have an end one day but
What he does by his art only gives bliss!

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A Great Miracle!

Natural beauty of all kinds gives hope
And kindles love to live with strength!
Inspiration of Nature is boundless ever
Making man transcend limits to divinity!

Limitations of man are no barrier ever
When man is inspired by love of Nature!
Love is a force of Nature and great power
Mankind cannot defeat in this world sure!

Nature, love and their manifestations ever
Absorb all minds, hearts and soul till end!
Nothing can replace their place so far and
Nothing can be greater than that forever...!

Love born of beauties of Nature is real ever
That activates all to create great miracles...!

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Love And Freedom!

Loveless life is like bird without wings;
Nation without freedom is big prison!
Love and freedom go together always;
Without love and freedom life is useless!

Love and knowledge are two eyes for all!
But without love and freedom no chance
There is for one to accomplish any wish
As interest and desire never leave one ever!

Love and knowledge only make one perfect
To enjoy real freedom in joy and peace ever!
Beauty is truth only when love is true there,
Where real freedom prevails as heart's desire!

Love, beauty and truth make one perfect
To enjoy real freedom in life of joy and peace!

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Taste Or Life?

They say honey is sweeter than wine;

Many say kiss is sweeter than wine!

Some are fond of sweet taste in all;

Many like hot taste in food we eat ever.

Taste is just a flavour of coffee we take;

Tasteless food nobody likes at first ever;

But food for living life cannot be ignored.

Sugar coated pill makes us take medicine;

Just like that taste makes food delicious!

Taste various from person to person ever;

[...] Read more

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A Clash Between Truth And Love!

Love has a spell over everyone!
Who is there not swayed by love?
Truth I say friends take as advice;
But words of love they accept as
Decree of divine dispensation!
Love wins what truth struggles.

Same thing happens with poets too;
Poets are overtaken by poetesses
by being ladies of beauty and love!
Poets however sincere they are
Are left behind poetesses often!

Intellect can be used to say truth;
Imagination can be used to do so!
Dry intellectual truth falls on deaf ears
But sweet imaginary truth reaches all!
Wisdom lies in maintaining silence
Believing that truth will prevail finally!

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A Celebration For Love!

Is just a day for Valentine in a year enough?
Is it a day of birth or obituary to be celebrated so?
Valentine's Day is the symbol of lover's day!
Taj Mahal is a symbol of love only in India!
Is there anything of that kind anywhere else?
Will you celebrate it and forget all the year?
Love has to be cherished and transform the world
And all can live in harmony, peace and bliss!
Celebration is just saying I love you that day only
And going ahead with the usual indifference everyday!
Just saying is not enough but showing in act is best.
Saying and celebrating is nothing but showing is everything!

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Soldiers to Sportsmen!

Fighting spirit never dies in man!
Man never sees wonder of his life;
Physical form of man is a miracle
That should be put to best use...!

This he has to remember before
Fight to the last to destroy all....!
Perhaps sports is created well
To satisfy warring talent for good!

Valour was decided by fight earlier....;
Fight was turned into sports in arena
That slowly turned into Olympic game
Starting from spear fight on horse back!

Soldiers turned into chivalrous knights,
Gladiators, national cadet corps, athletes,
Soccer, cricket and base ball players.....
Surely are far better than war soldiers!

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Potential Poetry!

Love has no fear whatsoever in the world;
Poet does all by his love of all matters here;
Poetry is inspiring words of poet for all!

What's not possible by poetry is nothing!
Impossible is expressed in possible words
Making unknown known by poetry only!

Forms and style are poets own creations;
Poetry is ever new in expression of ideas
Inspiring all to be enthusiastic, enlightened!

Love of Nature, life, beauty and love poetry
Explores always deep to express truth new!
Poets are gods of Earth to men to new realm!

Poetry briefly converges all in a nutshell
As powerful as atomic energy in control!

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A Child Is Angel Ever!

Any child is a sweet little angel anywhere!
Idea of angel would have evolved by child!
Child nature and Universal Spirit are God.

Born of love child is the sense of joy ever
That gives hope to family to pull on well
And the cheerful mood gives confidence!

Smiling as freshly bloomed flower child is
Cynosure of all everywhere moving all
To do great things at least to keep her joy!

We have to make the world better at least
For the child to live better in joy than us..
We have to do best things to make it better!

Child is God in the human form ever to lead
All in cheerful mood to cherish love and hope!

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