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Rachel Branscombe

The Train

The smoke billowing,
The people rushing and shouting
Luggage being carted,
The stationmaster gives a signal.
A whistle is blown,
The train is leaving the station.

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The Darkness

The darkness, the pain
the despair when you realise that you mean nothing
the hurt of failure
the feeling of emptyness
of holding the worlds problems
of being in hole you cannot get out of
It is a place of unbelieve
of crying like a frightened child
of wondering if it's all worth it
Wondering what if things were could be different if just one was changed in the world

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Alone I sit and alone I dream
The world is naught but dust to me
In a place I know the place I dream
I dream of things I've never seen
I dream of places I've never been
I dream of finding my one true love
Of finding treasure hidden in the stars above
I dream of space
I dream of one day finishing my race
Can the dream last?
Whose to say what dreams will go and what dreams will stay
I dreamed that I will come home to thee
Where nightmares are kept at bay.

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Would You Do Something To Change The World?

Oh, what would life be like if things always stayed the same?
If worlds never changed, what would it be like?
The poor would always be poor and the hungry would be left unfed.
Would children always be children?
Would the lonely always be lonely?

Even the littlest change can have a big difference
Like a smile when you are sad
Or a rainbow after the storm
What if just a little change, forever made someone's life better?
Would you do something to change the world?

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Frightened Night Child

Even now I hear the weeping
The poor girl crying herself to sleep
She knows not why she cries
But tears come anyway
She's frightened but does not know
what scares away her sleep
Maybe it's the darkness that fills her fear that steals her slumber
A noise fills her ear and she shakes with fear
What could the noise be?
It was the tree outside her room
She hears as a howling monster
Wanting to eat her
She leaps from the bed
and runs down the hall
Her parents none too pleased to see her
Another night of unrest
For the child afraid of the night

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Love, the most painful of emotions
Everyone feels love but to lose love is torment
To find out that someone you love does care about you cuts right into the soul
Love is dangerous
It can lead us to do many things
Love can also be a blessing it can help us find our hope
Love is important
It is something we as humans need
To not love is to not be human
Love is an special bond
It overcomes many a boundary
It overcomes age, race, religion
There is nothing that love cannot
But I feel that is not being respected
People are throwing it away
Love can hurt more than words can describe so be careful with it.
Love is powerful.

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Life-The Changing Story

The world we live in is not a nice world
Everywhere you go there is violence, poverty, and crime
The list could go on forever
But imagine what it would be like if it was switched
What if the world was a wonderful place?
A place where everyone gets along
There is no poor, no sick, no suffering
Class is gone and war is history

It's hard to imagine what that would be like
So we must enjoy the small things in life while we can
Those tiny moments that make you happy
They do not come often
When they do come, seize the day
Some things you never get a second opportunity to do
Life is an amazing gift
But it is only short
And things can be so easily missed.

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The Storm

The Storm is coming
The day when nothing will matter
When troubles will be gone and war will be history

The storm is coming
Make you are prepared
it will come with no warning.
No one will know the day of it destruction

The storm is coming
Feel it's wrath
Everything you do now will be meaningless
Everything sticks and nothing is forgotten
The day of judgement is at hand

The storm is coming
Have you taken heed
Have you changed your ways
Have seen the errors you have made
Have you heard the sound of pain you have caused

[...] Read more

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Conversation with God

One day while I was dreaming I heard a soft like voice
It called me to a pond
and asked to recite
the stories of my childhood
I thought it very strange
Then with deafening noise it came
It took me to the pond and asked me 'what I could see'
'I see me' I replied
'Very good' it said
'Now do you see' it asked
'I see a little child with hair as bright as fire'
'Who is that child' it asked
'It is me' I replied again
'Do you remember what that child was like'
'No' I replied
'Until you become a child again you'll see no more'
'I do not understand' I said
'You will' came the voice
'When' I asked
'When you believe that I am real'

[...] Read more

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Darkened World

The world spinning beneath my feet, the air surrounds me as I struggle to breathe.
I'm trapped in the box of society
I don't understand what it wants of me
This vile world has it's fingers wrapped around my throat
making me do its will

I'm frightened, afraid
Darkness is where we all are.
How can be so blinded to evil on this Earth
The injustice, the fire that is burning man's soul
I don't understand how we be so naive
To this horrible place that call existence

It's so stupid that we humans have control
After all we are fallen
We have ruined our lives and ruined our hearts
Even though we have forgiveness we are so hardened we cannot forgive ourselves
Humanity is fallen and needs the light that is God.

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