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Philip Winchester

Rhetoric (Acrostic)

: Rhetoric (Acrostic) 090a

Rhetoric is the art of polish and refinement.
Harlot verbiage moving from context to context.
Every now and then causing simple mis-judgement.
Tenses abound within rhetorical speeches.
Orator! When will you, if ever, learn?
Rhetoric shows up many words to be sinful.
Independent, discreet as a testified secret.
Cant saturation, dismiss rhetoric to Limbo.

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Sport (Alliteration)

: Sport (Alliteration) 075

Can you canoe white waters in just a bucket?
Slam-dunk that Punk for stealing a car?
Watch Soccer aces pop your money in his pocket.
Or petite, pretty perky little Jockeys riding far.
Ten tennis stars can have their cake and eat it.
Chess masters checked from mating much this year.
Simple sailors asking weather weathers very clement.
A runner bean`s a runner from a standing start.
I notice now the notice board too bored to notice.
Now TV covers sport., Sport covers TV now.

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Philanthropic Acrostic

Love of your fellow Man.

(Acrostic) .

Poets of today, of Christian bent,
Have so many ways to display their skills
I am told not to measure time misspent
Literary culture is only food for Fools.
A Love of Mankind men should not resent.
Nor Women for that matter overrule.
Thrive on Poets past or near present.
Hero’s since the dawn of time to school.
Respect the rhymes of ethereal guidance sent.
Of words, your hoard of very precious jewels.
Poet? Praise of every Peer pursuant.
Indicates you’re not alone to quest.
Cynical? Not to do this for a reason?
Simply just to understand you’re truly blessed!

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The Beginning- Acrostic

: The Beginning 112

The beginning, well yes let us start at the beginning.
He had indeed the wisdom to write it at the start.
Ever thinking who would read it two thousand years away.

Being confident that someday the whole World could read.
Encoded script the privilege of a knowledgeable few.
God? What a chance he took, we may never had discovered.
In the beginning He created the Heaven and the Earth.
Now I understand that then it was without Form and Void
Nocturnal Darkness was on the Face of the Deep.
I understand that the Spirit of God moved upon the Waters Face.
Never one to leave it at that, It was heard then to say...
God Said.....Let there be Light.....And there was Light.

An Example of an Acrostic Verse, a tribute to Genesis Chapter1 verse 1

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The Prime Commandment

The Prime Commandment

Of Murder, Manslaughter, Homicide! Oh! Such is this a Crime.
The three whilst so common are often much confused.
Murder is planned, intentional, real and with life, on the line.
With which DARK evil forces take hand in hand.
Manslaughter, whilst wicked is unplanned or premeditated.
Or so it is oft pleaded and said anyway.
Manslaughter, Murder, Homicide, ? The saddest of all fates.
Best avoided, if one is to reach an old age?
Learn? Homicide chiefly occurs in a Murder!


Manslaught er, a soft cloak for Murder sublime.
In self-defence Murder can be culpable.
Most Cops and Crime victims from time to time agree.
Justifiable, some say, in preventing atrocious crime.
But! No one has a just cause to Murder.
Life of a King, President, Fly or a Bum is still precious.

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A Perfect Relationship of Like Minds

Poem Title: A Perfect Relationship of Like minds
Poem 170b (Abecedarian) ..An Alphabetic Acrostic

Avarice is a worthy vice where the Antonym is Apathy.
Benevolence essential never thought unkind.
Charity will see you rise above any selfish greed.
Delight in treasure given as opposed to Misery.
Encourage every action not stooping to Dispirit.
Focus on the Friendship with no Dissipation present.
Guidance through the Maze never to Mislead.
Honour every thought once never to Disgrace.
Incentive negating any hint to so Discourage
Judiciously not sinking to Partiality.
Knowledge holds ground against Misunderstanding.
Loyalty beating Betrayal to the post each time.
Majesty a target from the Baseness if mankind.
Omniscience alternative to mindless Ignorance
Patronise in favour of direct dogmatic Opposition.
Quiescent in your mood not Turbulent.

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Serendipity a Happy Accident


Serendipity, a happy accident?
Every meeting made could just be the one.
Relationships forged and cast in steel forever.
In chance unexpected discoveries, heaven sent
Nomads wandering through deserts wastes
Discussions wrong, right and indifferent come to light
It's only once in a Blue moon, or so it seems
Perhaps only once in a life time may be the truth
It for sure aint every single day
That you have the chance of SERENDIPITY
Yes that Happy Accident of Chance to meet a Kindred Soul.

All through Life you search not knowing truly what you seek.

Happy accidents may never come to light without a deal of luck
A card you may be dealt, may turn a cold stone to a pot of gold.
Perchance a blind date lead you down an unfamiliar path
Perhaps your Star that day could align with Mars

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Who in a Million Loves Me?

Poem Title: Who in a Million Loves Me? Acrostic Poem 144
Written 22/08/2009.

Who in a Million Loves Me?
Heavens above, my friend do you really need to ask?
Or for just a moment even think you are alone, Well do you? Do you?

In moments dark and dismal view love as a Mammalian Drive.
Not much better than a nagging hunger or an un-quenchable thirst.

Attraction being plain just as the nose upon your face.

Mating epilogue to Lust but we have no need to even venture there.
In Love there comes a time in Life beyond the three overlapping stages,
Lust turning to attraction and glory be Attachment, hopefully for Life.
Love and Attachment is the marital bonding that promotes relationships.
In Love the Brain will constantly release the chemicals essentially required,
Only then my, Friend will you understand, who in a million loves you.
Next time that question comes to your brain, rush to the mirror I pray.

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No, it is Not your Fault.

Poem Title: No, It is not your Fault. Acrostic Poem 153

No, it is not your fault!
Oh how many times must I say this, it is not your fault.

It is not your fault, from now on I want you to believe it, it is not your fault.
Try always and forever from this time on to master the fact that it is not your fault.

It is not your fault, Nobody is to blame, no thing, no way, no how, it is not your fault.
Since childhood have you not continually taken the blame upon yourself, It was not your fault.

Never wishing to cast doubt upon what a wonderful person you are, It is not your fault.
Out side of the love of friends and family are you seen as just a number, No, it's not your fault.
They may never get close enough to see the light you radiate, No, it is not your fault

Yesterday, troubles, debt, sorrow, disappointment, failure dogged your step, It was not your fault.
Over years, with hindsight your advantage, do you now see the illuminated sign on every corner?
Understanding dawns at last, Understanding all and everything gone before, was not your fault.
Redemption now at hand, you are at the gateway all your skills intact, you are loved with all faults.

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Reality (1st of Seven Secondary Virtues)

Poem Title: (Reality) 1st of Seven Secondary Virtues of a Happy Marriage

Poem 174 b …. Title : (Reality) 1st of Seven Secondary Virtues of a Happy Marriage.

Subject Reality...As a Human being.A creature that cuts down trees, then to pulp in a machine.
As an attempt to manufacture a cost effective way of transmitting News to all the World.
Most of which is of Climate Change and full of subjective slogans on how we must save the trees!

Real Reality..... How about this Poet? Who lives within a Fantasy of Trust whereby he allows
His Loving Partner to hold the sacred knowledge of the password to his private website.
And always knowing this, knew that anything that he did write could then be read in true Reality.

Hypo statical Reality ….As a Happy Marriage holds three levels of Hypo stasis in a given day.
Blood pressure rising or falling in anticipation as to the level of eggs that he be treading upon.
Metaphysically thinking and speaking in riddles or codes too, for all time to confuse an enemy.

Beyond the wit of Reality........ Any Happy Marriage is beholding three levels of wit.
The wit of knowing when to sleep with the wisest of wise tongues keeping the wisest of heads.
The wit of the pretence of reality and being wide wide wide awake too a Lovers every need.

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