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Monty Gilmer

The Seventh Month

and lightning
bugs fly.

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On the Eleventh Day of Christmas

(January 5)

Pipers piped
Unto ladies,
Who danced.

poem by Monty GilmerReport problemRelated quotes
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On the Twelfth Day of Christmas

(January 6)

Among drummers drumming,
One little boy.

poem by Monty GilmerReport problemRelated quotes
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On the Ninth Day of Christmas

(January 3)

Ladies, dressed to the nines,
Dancing the jig
That singer Loretta
Lynn used to dance.

poem by Monty GilmerReport problemRelated quotes
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On the Eighth Day of Christmas

(January 2)

Eight and eight are sixteen -
Dairymaids a-kissing
Their cows, saying in unison
To me, 'To each his own.'

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The Final Say: April

As Mother Goose says,
'April brings the primrose sweet,
Scatters daisies at our feet.'

As Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote,
'April cold with dripping rain
Willows and lilacs brings again.'

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Found Poem: Malamud on Metaphor

(From 'The Art of Fiction LII, ' an interview with
Bernard Malamud, in THE PARIS REVIEW)

'I love metaphor, '
said Bernard Malamud. 'It
provides two loaves where
there seems to be one. Sometimes
it throws in a load of fish.'

poem by Monty GilmerReport problemRelated quotes
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Smelling the Day: Father and Son

Here is a time-tested weather rhyme:
'If with your nose you smell the day,
Stormy weather's on the way.'

There is the rhyme, and here is the reason:
As Andy Dappen wrote,
'Plants release oils into the atmosphere,

'And research indicates
That the higher the humidity,
The more oils the plants give off.

'This produces the distinctive odor
Many of us recognize when we say,
'Smells like rain today.''

When with his nose he smelled the day,
My father, a seasoned farmer, would say,
'Heads up, son! Smells like rain today.'

poem by Monty GilmerReport problemRelated quotes
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Red Sky: The Good Shepherd and I

Jesus, the good shepherd, once said:
'When it is evening, ye say,
It will be fair weather:
For the sky is red.
And in the morning,
It will be foul weather today:
For the sky is red and lowering.'

Evening red and morning gray
Are the signs of a bonny day.

Evening red:
'Shepherd's delight, '
Daddy said.

That is to say,
'Red sky at night,
Shepherd's delight.'

Evening gray and morning red

[...] Read more

poem by Monty GilmerReport problemRelated quotes
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