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Mike Michaels

Nature's Beauty

The beauty of Nature
Below our seat
At the top
Of the food chain

poem by Mike MichaelsReport problemRelated quotes
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She sat nibbling
Perched on a flat pinnacle between forays
Strangely small silvery wings rode precariously upon her yellow back
Tethered in place with twine
And by her side was her bucket treasure trove
Of a thousand small shiny drops of generosity
Carefully collected
The harvest of a thousand excuse me’s
Then lunch was over
Antennae bobbed above her head as she stepped down
And buzzed away into the shopping crowd

poem by Mike MichaelsReport problemRelated quotes
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Uphill Rythm

A running poem for grinding up those hills.....hope it helps!

Got to get those feet moving first....


Up-hill Rhy-thm


Up-hill Rhy-thm

1-2-I've got no respect for pain,
My willpower's high octane,
I'm steaming up this hill like a supercharged train.
I'm in the physical commotion,
Of human locomotion
I have legs that are powered by internal combustion
I drink kerosene,
I sweat petroleum,

[...] Read more

poem by Mike MichaelsReport problemRelated quotes
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