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Margaret Alice Second

I Would Rather Be Torquemagret

Finally managed to read through my political document
lamentators in sackcloth, strewing ash upon their heads,
explaining how Africa’s slavery is continuing, wallowing
in victimhood, descrying Ghadaffi’s demise

It cost me blood and tears to read through, anger made
my eyes go out of focus, luckily I heard life summoning
is important, not completion, the document helped me
to identify a desire which summoned life energy

It became my fervent wish that these self pitying martyrs
should embalm themselves in their happy victimhood;
I realise a bloodthirsty spiritual life is just right for me
being a member of the Spanish Inquisition

To help rid the world of people who insist on being victims
in the face of all contrary evidence, to purge the universe
of self fulfilling prophecies of doom and damnation and
all self defeating attitudes!

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The Floundering Ship

A great day sailing on the
floundering ship at the office,
Hanlie an elfish, mischievous
captain, June quietly at the helm,
Hermien swinging in the rigging
while I plotted a course through
the rapids of cascading words
spilling over my desk

Human Resources destabilised
the ship by throwing the compass
away yet we ploughed on, June
can't be deflected from steering
straight for the bay of organised
perfection while updating lists -
though Microsoft warns our
software is outlawed

Being illegal means we are a
pirate ship; now I understand why

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I Understand

She believed she was a gift to the world,
a gift from God, therefore others should
provide while she made the plans, dreamt
the dreams, cherished visions

She believed she was a holy person, a martyr
for God’s work, all money was hers to dispense
as she pleased, she dreamt for everyone in the
family but they had to provide for themselves

Possessions left in her care were quickly given to
the poor, munificent care for criminal welfare, taking
everything family earned to spend in lavish gestures
of charity, never telling who the donors has been

Using her mother’s pension and her husband’s income
under her own name, neither told her children who they
should thank for food on the table, nor told her daughter
her father provided the money mother gave so graciously

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A Myriad Heroines

Tonight sheer ecstasy and bliss, first discovered Strictly
Come Dancing, I lose myself in those dancing heroines,
Vin Diesel in the movie XXX stole the show encouraging
the individual to make a difference, Wizards of Waverley
Place had Alex experience romance in a magical journal

I have many brilliant stories also, never featuring me, there
is a myriad heroines - based on the stories I loved when I
was a kid, books I like get assimilated into it - every noble
thought integrated in a kaleidoscope that encompasses
more than this universe, after this great Sunday night

I am convinced whatever sacrifice or endurance tomorrow
requires, I am safe in an inner bauble of wonderful dreams,
need not send my own self anywhere as an infinite number
of heroines can go all over the world to do the magnificent
things suggested by myths, parables and legends

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Zeus In Charge

Living through a war with Zeus in charge,
ducking lightning bolts, requires a spirit
fortified, a mind focused on things high,
a tongue tightly tied, one wrong step,
one word out of place; all explodes

Shrapnel raining all around, nowhere to
hide, all the wrong things said, too many
wrong steps, everyone seething inside,
injustice paramount in their minds, the
volatile situation now a full-scale war

No chance for explanation until you calm
down, no room for quiet consultation, you
forge ahead leading to our doom, trying to
play diplomat led to my being regarded the
arch enemy by everyone caught in this

Unstoppable hurricane, emotions swirling
into dervish whirlwinds now growing into

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A Wild Palate

This must be the scourge of allergic people
everywhere on earth, trying out new dishes
amazing new sauces from heaven, innovative
sausages with velvet textures - such delight
for a wild palate, enjoying forbidden pleasures

Exulting in the universal camaraderie of gourmets
then, terrible discomfort and malaise, torpor and
lassitude - uncontrollable urges to lie down, when
horizontal, neck stiffening, back contracting
the poor sufferer turning into a contortionist

Bending the body out of shape in an attempt to
become more comfortable in a body turned into
iron and steel, aching bones and joints, sinuses
clogged, breathing stops, life throttled out of the
glutton, once again new resolutions are made:

Tomorrow I shall be wise, only eat and drink the
tried and tested – if only I can survive the night

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Meant To Accept

I admire the great achievements of Christians,
special believers like Tim LaHaye delineating four
temperaments and overcoming them through the
work of the Holy Spirit, I tried to emulate them in
my youth and found to my chagrin I could not

Every fear called a sin simply means being human
the most sinful state of existence, until we can stop
being normal, we are instruments of evil, what a pity
all my attempts at changing into a holier me ended
disastrously; while acknowledging their good results

I admit to being condemned to live my life as I am,
without external infusions - in my defence, I worked
at religion, only gave up when nothing happened,
concluding I was meant to accept all assumptions
and spiritual groups as each other's equal

This is why exposure to their delights
never had any effect…

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Moving Background

At least this nondescript time is lightened by a new craze
of mine: full-cream milk powder, a lifesaver, coffee tastes
like heaven, and real butter on everything, it means I eat
less meat, hope more animals will live because of this, at
present all I read is hurricane Sandy & work documents

Life would have been unbearable if it was not for a James
Bond movie series with scenes I love and hate, the TV is
left on, volume turned down to give a feeling of freedom
when seeing something interesting in passing, enjoying
007's adventures as a moving background to my life

The more recent movies lack the theme music and cool
humour of the first Sean Connery reels, the recent films
contain scenes too bland and boring to watch - perfect
as a fantastic screen saver when life starts wounding
down and nothing remarkable is happening

[Wednesday 31 October 2012]

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Disgust - Undisguised

Confined in office and home is fine
as long as I can do things I like -
surfing the Internet

But when rejection and isolation is
my daily fare, when my offerings
are met with a cold glare

My resolve weakens and my mind
disintegrates under the assault of
frozen disgust - undisguised

Attempts to destroy my spirit make
it almost impossible to breathe, yet
somehow I am not dead yet

What keeps me alive in a world all
hostile which imprisons me in a
chair all day long - where

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Machine Churning Above

I do not care for political scandal and intrigues
because only those with the same moral guilt,
the same capacity for wrongdoing, throw the
stones, whenever they come to power they
become worse dictators

People blaming others for what is wrong just wait
to sing their own song of corruption - I appreciate
them playing games and wish them luck; whistle-
blowers take over from those they sack, no reform
possible in a world where

The morally pure never accuse and never enter
politics, the poor will always be helpless as moguls
play with money and might, I refuse to join any camp
as the game is to become the next powerful despot
and use the poor masses

As fodder to feed the machine churning above, no
self-righteous person can accuse another as we all

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