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Margaret Alice Second

Sun-Kissed Mist

This morning is like a beautiful woman
wearing soft, sun-kissed mist, luminescent
pearls adorning her bejewelled wrists, as I
drive along I listen to my inner voice raised
in jubilant song…

As I sat on mother’s bed in Oliver Tambo
Memorial Hospital, Matron Margaret Mbatha
queried me – What are you writing? – I replied:
A song to the beauty of the morning, asking –
May I dedicate it to you

So when you Google yourself you would find
your name quoted in my poem? - Her sweet
face broke into a smile - Yes you may, but
you must go home, we’ll take care of your
mother – yet I stayed because

I have not been with my mother for a long time,
she cries in pain from time to time, I break all the

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Ice-cold Eyes (Revised)

A hostile and vitriolic atmosphere where
whatever is said is rejected with complete
and utter rancour – every opinion refuted,
dark suspicion, hatred and bitterness seek
eager company together

All optimism, expressions of benevolence
and uplifting interpretations evoke odium
of ice-cold eyes – sorry, I cannot agree to
such dour camaraderie, my dream-time
space is always sweet

I base my life on knowledge that human
consciousness changes what it sees while
it is changed by what is seen, I have tried
to keep my eyes focused only on things
that will fill me with hope

Things that create a world of love – while
I respect your right to be angry and bitter

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Erased Without A Sound

Oh, woe is me, let all lament terrible destiny,
the awful fate encountered as I was doing my
duty: A sudden dropp in blood sugar levels and
I cannot carry on with my lovely document, a
real challenge for innovation and wit, digging
into the past to find its equivalent - applying
it without forgetting to change pronouns and
verbs, past and present continuous tense

All things that my supervisor will check with
a terrible painstakingly scourging eye, but I
have to run - buy chocolate to lift me out of
this blood sugar slump, when there is work
I can do and this evil animal gets me in its
grip it is clear that life is not fair - yet who
wants it to be, being fair might just mean
all little people like me would be erased

Without a sound in the end - no, let me get
at a chocolate and be glad for all the undue

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State Of Utter Bliss

Had a lovely time wolfing down a waffle, talking to the marvellous
manager of our local restaurant, my storybook hugely entertaining,
laughing unrestrainedly while swirling in whirl of social schedules
then wafting everywhere enveloped in an atmosphere of good-will

Breaking the evil spell laid upon me by a horrible text, when typing
lower-case the computer changed typescript into capitals, setting
fireworks off in my head, a red mist covered my eyes destroying
my comprehension till only my inner Mr Hyde was left, Dr Jekyll

Left in a huff; I researched equivalent English terms - but nothing
made sense and in the end there was no progress, I was wasting
my time being miserable to no effect - I stopped throwing good
money after bad, feasted my eyes on the book I love

Then proceeded to eat and read myself into a state of utter bliss…

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Still Right For Me

Facing painful truths without getting
upset: we are taught youth should
last forever, an ideal to be achieved
through botox, hormone replacement
therapy and plastic surgery; but just
as I never succumbed to make-up,
I‘m failing in my duty to stay young

It is your right to be angry with me
for not being younger in an age of
increasing sex appeal, we're taught
to believe in physical performance
only, females are expected to fulfil
male fantasies based on artificial
acting in adult movies - therefore

You're right to blame me for being
a failure; I never became the siren
you were taught to dream of - BUT
I am joyful knowing you were just

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Understand What I Mean

The wind keeps the air crystal clear - the
antique glass lamp with shiny reflections
the brightness lifts up my heart and
keeps it there

Lying in the sun dreaming, a dream that
carries me through everything, making it
enjoyable to be alive - I told my beloved
of my dream

He said the dream was me; a delightful
reply, I slyly laughed - I did not tell him
everything - too much vanity cannot be
confessed, but

With a dream in my heart life seems
beautiful, without dreams I am dead
inside without power to smile - so
please forgive me

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Requirements Set By Advertisements

I live a life that is not mine, sitting in
one place for hours on end without
a wonderful book offering mental
challenges or great adventures
to stimulate the mind

Stuck with dead words, no meaning,
metre or rhythm - no music therein -
cold lines indicting people for being
human - imprisoning them for living
the adventures & dreams

Held up to them in advertisements -
brainwashing everyone to believe
real happiness resides in owning
wealth- living pampered lives-so-
impossible to feel guilt

For taking what is rightfully theirs:
happiness - if they were not born

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Giving Up Life

Every year when we do Assessment with a
custom-made Assessment Instrument and I
have to explain why I have not changed into
a machine as yet

When I have to hide my fear of turning into a
robot and secretly rejoice that I have not lost
my feelings as yet - and everybody despises
me as a low achiever

And I receive a low mark for not being competent,
at all - I go through agony, I would LOVE to fit in -
would LOVE to turn into a machine if it could bring
me a feeling of safety

But I cannot kill my soul, stifle my spirit and destroy
my feelings, I don't know how to rejoice at the pros-
pect of killing myself, while I abhor being the most
lowly official alive

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Status Quo [Revised]

Reaction to a snack of substances my digestion
rejects as banned has me staring at this screen
in stupefaction - unable to interpret anything

Floating in an emotional void, clinging to the fact
I’m in an office, trying to read and react to texts
that remain mysterious to me, at least this way

The world will still be a mystery; I cannot achieve
mastery of anything while consciousness flickers
on and off, caught in the wild fire of interrupted

Brain circuitry & gyrating synapses, dark spots
in front of my eyes weakening my sight, desperately
trying to do research till I give up, sit back in defeat,

Power spent, admit the day is lost, cannot find the
beginning of a line of thought, cannot follow a single
argument, even pictures dance away from me,

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Nineteen Years Is Long Enough (Revised)

For the first time in nineteen years I'm planning
Christmas with my parents, to be with them as
one singing Carols, preparing delicacies to eat -
but particularly singing songs mother wrote,
presenting the play she designed for us ages
ago when we twins were just six years old

Back then my brothers and dad spoiled things -
but this time we can present mother's songs less
their interference, and afterwards I can go for a
spin on brother-in-law's motorbike, making up
for events we missed when small - yes, this
Christmas will be a grand reunion ball

For the first time in nineteen years I shan't be
home; it's either or, never parents and hubby
together, and though he was angry hearing
my plans - after nineteen years he cannot
really complain - it is the first time I shall be
with them - I think it is fair,

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