We are fantasies come alive
manifestations of consciousness
realizations of ideas and visions
the universe is one interpretation
of innumerable alternatives, more
than 99 per cent of the measurable
content of our physical dimension is
invisible dark matter, the demonstrable
effect of invisible energy – all mass is
solidified power to be released
when required
Trying to turn this topsy-turvy, arguing
the material universe came first leads
to insoluble conundrums – logic and
planning are part of my assumptions,
I do not visualise hit-and-run attempts
until random hits start to form patterns,
it is irrational and contrary to common
sense, I subscribe to the spiritual theory
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poem by Margaret Alice Second
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Die Or Fly
Dangerous Reality TV ‘Hoarders' - people
collecting trash till drowning in houses like
garbage dumps made me feel I have to get
rid of my papers and books, life's useless;
at least I tidied my cupboard
Books read yesterday led to nihilism, wilful
acceptance of mental handcuffs unsettling,
self-declared intention to take free-thinkers
hostage, ‘Feet of Clay': Discworld religious
groups calling Golems an abomination
Just as Internet clergy reject codes in Bible; I
respect their right to self-righteously despise
anything they cannot comprehend - as long
as I never get to meet them, determined to
flee all causes of depression
Reading newspapers a disaster except when
Adapt Or Die becomes Adapt Or Fly, I had
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poem by Margaret Alice Second
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Cannibal Squid And Ninja Shrimp
Cannibal squid and ninja shrimp, three
pupils in eyes on mobile stalks, mysterious
tides of red algae, fragile seahorse dwarves
found in the Caribbean
Palpable disapproval in angry frowns, I put
everything bright, glittering and beautiful away
lay down to watch TV, Nat Geo Wild, squid and
shrimp and seahorses and Wizards
Deutsche Welle, Weihnacht in Deutschland
Gefangenenaustauch, Heimatorte, Geizel
der Hamas freigekommen sind im Glanz
der Lichter und so weiter
Schlittschuhlaufen, Bundesligatabelle, langsam
voran perfekt zubereitet, Feiertags, Euromaxx
Weihnachten im Vatikan, Weihnachtzeit auf
DW TV - aufgehängt, abgetaucht
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poem by Margaret Alice Second
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Change Your Paradigm
Talking about my book, leadership centred on principles
you immediately defend the benevolent autocratic style
so beloved by authoritarian societies, the way we lead
our lives requiring sacrifice and tact from underlings
to remain happy and calm while being disempowered all
the time - oh well, learning patience and resignation
is such a virtue - fighting to change your paradigm
is more than my character and personality will let me,
I don't mind being unpopular since popularity with you
comes at too high a price which I cannot pay even if I
try, to get you to share power with me does not seem
feasible given your entrenched ideas of leaders being
nasty people - I'll say they are!
"Principle-Centred Leadership" by Stephen
R. Covey - Simon and Schuster UK Ltd,1992
Diary Notes 17 June 2012
poem by Margaret Alice Second
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Rest My Thoughts
Caught in that state of mind from which escape
is barely possible if at all, effected by means of
a complete change of consciousness, a shot of
adrenaline or a good book
Yet there is light at the end of the tunnel: ordered
Mary Poppins and Bedknobs and Broomsticks by
Walt Disney on DVD in order to rest my thoughts
in these magic realms
Now you can watch rugby for hours at a time while
I shall visit my own Wonderland to etch the grooves
of delight deeper in my mind, escaping the feeling of
bondage that formerly
Used to keep me immobile for hours on end, I can
manually change the mental gears to override
automatic reversals into depression, I can
enter a state of meditation
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poem by Margaret Alice Second
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There are two of me, one believes you implicitly, all
arguments and problems are my fault, everything I
say is wrong – as you claim with such conviction –
this enables me to respect and honour you
quite unconditionally
And an inner core, a rebel self who believes for mental
health I should believe something else, I have a right to
an opinion, you make mistakes and refuse to listen, I’m
not the mean and egoistic being you believe me to be
this enables me to tolerate myself
Not die on the spot of shame and humiliation for being me
though you are Doctor Know-It-All and Mr Perfect, I have a
right to be imperfect, horrible me without pretension; - if I did
not move all this into negative me, I would have had nothing
left - but the positive side still believes
Someday I shall be vindicated in love…
poem by Margaret Alice Second
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Not My Repertoire
Being assertive is not part of my repertoire,
I have never learnt to insist on the essentials
required for health and well-being, no wonder
I am scared of a world which is well-meaning
but where I cannot begin to make myself un-
derstood - I can serve others and see to their
needs - bring them the moon
Yet for my own Puritan self, one angry look
from my beloved and I wilt like a flower, one
angry word from a colleague and I tumble in
despair - I can't ask for the ergonomically
correct work space and user-friendly chair
required for a pain-free posture - trapped
in my own mind - I can't break free
Right now I wax lyrical about Pregabalin
administered as LYRICA to deaden the
nerves and scramble the signals of
neurological pain because I sit in a
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poem by Margaret Alice Second
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Takes My Hand (Revised)
A pleasurable anticipation, no great
expectations, a small white scarf pasted
with silver enlivens this big black mantle
draped symbolically about my neck, a
gesture to the universe that I believe in
goodness of life while surviving allergic
reaction to last night's fried fish dinner
Cheesecake pie aggravated the situation
yet eased hunger pains, been working since
dawn - need a break to assemble thoughts
about chivalrous people making me feel a
lady, talking to them I'm wearing a lacy
ball-gown - darting hither, thither and yon
to an orchestra playing
In the rear black attired assassins bear
strange cases, no doubt containing rifles
with telescopic sights, exotic and deadly
weapons - shivers of excitement run down
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poem by Margaret Alice Second
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Destroyer Of Peace
Linah is an absolute dear, the saviour of children about to drown
saving me when I fell in the shower, yet her reign of terror gets me
down - she cleans with her radio on high volume, nobody can do or
see something else, noise overpowering, only escape the front porch
where I am now- and the bathtub where I have just been
The kids said they are used to the torment of noise and work around
it, my beloved says Linah should go if the noise turns up a few decibels
- yet Linah saved Nici from drowning - nobody does anything about the
noise, my beloved pays her for more tasks as he sees her commitment -
Nici shows me the Igor movie in which a beloved monster works
Everyone to death - could this be a subliminal message that she knows
Linah is one such beloved monster, a destroyer of peace while being
so good to us?
poem by Margaret Alice Second
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Mysterious And Mythical
Found a new book in the library - Act of God
a story of cataclysm, Tutankhamun as well as
Atlantis in which detective Graham Phllips un-
covers extraordinary events - thank heaven,
a mysterious Egyptian tomb, just what I need
to add oomph to my quiet existence
I live my life in my head, when reading material
becomes scarce I am in dire straits; a discovery
to give meaning to my days on earth which seem
to be such a useless material illusion; only third
thoughts & inner narrative imperative create new
lines combining historical events
In symbolical significance, being devoted to all
things spiritual, I am delighted by everything
mysterious and mythical
Act of God - Tutankhamun, Moses & The
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poem by Margaret Alice Second
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