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Lewis Grandison Alexander

Little Cinderella

Look me over, kid!
I know I’m neat, -
Little Cinderella from head to feet.
Drinks all night at Club Alabam, -
What comes next I don’t give a damn!

Daddy, daddy,
You sho looks keen!
I likes men that are long and lean.
Broad Street ain’t got no brighter lights
Than your eyes at pitch midnight.

poem by Lewis Grandison AlexanderReport problemRelated quotes
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Negro Woman

The sky hangs heavy tonight
Like the hair of a Negro woman.
The scars of the moon are curved
Like the wrinkles on the brow of A Negro woman.
The stars twinkle tonight
Like the glaze in a Negro woman’s eyes,
Drinking the tears set flowing by an aging hurt
Gnawing at her heart.
The earth trembles tonight
Like the quiver of a Negro woman’s eye-lids cupping

poem by Lewis Grandison AlexanderReport problemRelated quotes
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You stood in the yard
Like a lilac bush
With your head tossed high
As if to push
Your hair in a blossom
About your head
You wore the grace
Of a fragile reed.


Your gown crackled loud
Like the swish of leaves
Being flitted about
By a lyric breeze
Your step was like a dainty fawn
Breathing the nectared air at dawn,

[...] Read more

poem by Lewis Grandison AlexanderReport problemRelated quotes
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