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Juan Ramon Jimenez

If you get a ruled paper, write on the back.

classic quote by Juan Ramon JimenezReport problemRelated quotes
Added by Dan Costinaş
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The poet is not a philosopher, but a clairvoyant.

classic quote by Juan Ramon JimenezReport problemRelated quotes
Added by Dan Costinaş
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Sharp nostalgia, infinite and terrible, for what I already possess.

quote by Juan Ramon JimenezReport problemRelated quotes
Added by Lucian Velea
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Literature is a state of culture, poetry is a state of grace, before and after culture.

quote by Juan Ramon JimenezReport problemRelated quotes
Added by Lucian Velea
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I do not cut my life into days but my days into lives, each day, each hour, an entire life.

classic quote by Juan Ramon JimenezReport problemRelated quotes
Added by Dan Costinaş
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