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Ivor Or Ivor.e Hogg

Togetherness for MY Lady Irene


I was.
You were.
We are.
Love is.

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I may be wrong but I perceive
What man conceives he can achieve.
Some dreams can come true
Perhaps your will do.
Only you
must believe.

Ifor ap Richard

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The words we spoke but now regret.
The pain they caused still lingering
although not meant to cause upset.
They are not easy to forget.
Re- echoing


poem by Ivor Or Ivor.e HoggReport problemRelated quotes
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Could this be you?

I don’t even try.
You have the right to be
bigoted if you so please.
All I can do is pity you.
Who are enslaved by your prejudice.
I much prefer to keep an open mind

Tuesday,13 April 2010
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Sing Joyously.

Awdl Gywydd.

Autumn the harvest season
It's the time for gathering
in the crops to safely store
All we need and more: So sing

Praises to the creator
The crops we store are his gift.
A reward for the hard work.
We did not shirk nor ignore.

Sunday,02 September 2012

poem by Ivor Or Ivor.e HoggReport problemRelated quotes
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No resting Place

Experimental form

I ring my bell.
So you can tell.
I am a leper easily
As I am bound to do by law.
Although I can wander freely.
I am not welcome anymore
You want me gone
So I move on.
There is no resting place for me
nor do I think there’ll ever be.
Until I die

poem by Ivor Or Ivor.e HoggReport problemRelated quotes
Added by Dan Costinaş
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Your Place

I awaken-- in the soft darkness.
Alone-- but yet not lonely,
Your place --beside me in our bed
Is filled-- with memories of you
Only-- you of all women could
With--your constancy leave such sweet
Memories-- that comfort me still.

Http; //

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I am a man!

I am a man full grown.
I have the right to choose
To make my way alone
What have I got to lose? .

If I refuse to do
as you expect me to.
I owe nothing to you

I will choose my own way.
Today and every day

I am man, my own man

Friday,05 March 2010
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Morning Hymn

Gladly do I greet the dawn
a new day born for me to see.
The dawn chorus fills my ears.
Banishes all fears: I’m free
to raise my hymn of praise.
To the suns rays. I ought to
in gratitude for the sight
of morning light. So I do.

Awdl gwnedd form

http: //

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Tempus Fugit for M lady Abha Sharma

Tempus Fugit

The minutes pass by fast or slow
They come and go
without a pause.
Simply because

that is what they’re meant to do.
They’re passing through.
They cannot stay,
brook no delay.

They’re measured by the tick and tock
of every clock
You can’t deny
time must pass by.


poem by Ivor Or Ivor.e HoggReport problemRelated quotes
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