What I seek?
What I wished throughout life?
No trouble, nice spending with wife,
Children just before eyes playing,
I knell down before HIM and praying,
Wished that Life should have hard going,
No vehicle or rope just to toe the Boeing,
Why I need continuous pet on back?
Does it not discourage and develop crack?
Little wish raising her head in corner,
Trying to woe and support garner,
I must have happy easy going,
Never have I witnessed stone throwing?
He blessed me with happy end,
Beautiful feelings with messages send,
No regrets, no feelings to amend,
Continue to seek blessings with sincere pretend,
poem by Hasmukh Amathalal
Added by Poetry Lover
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No Time
Future is to be shaped with anticipation
For building up of good relation
We are not sure of what is in store
But still search every possibility to explore
No reason for unstoppable progress
Even if with limited access
Non stop use of life but it can stop any time
With no slight hint or notice sometimes
Never think of reasons and get involved
As universe is meant to be revolved
It has bearing on your life
When blessed with very good wife
Love to live
And believe
What keep you alive?
When earnestly you strive?
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poem by Hasmukh Amathalal
Added by Poetry Lover
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Try and Smile
Try and smile
Happiness may return meanwhile
You have generated love
Mind at rest and happily drove
Let people respond
And nicely correspond
To your gesture
That may turn into bright future
I did my duty
As there lies beauty
Feeling so divine
Can make anybody to feel fine
No use to feel bad
As it may make you sad
Day may pass as dull
And you may look fool
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poem by Hasmukh Amathalal
Added by Poetry Lover
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Yes, yes, yes
What language has to do?
When eyes speak,
What beauty has to do?
When eyes don’t see it,
What words have to do?
When lack commitment,
What appearance has to do?
When lack inner beauty?
What are we meant for?
When don’t long for each other,
What we care for?
When nothing to take care of,
What is use of promise?
When said is undone,
What we search and look for?
When nothing special in it,
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poem by Hasmukh Amathalal
Added by Poetry Lover
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A nice way
I wish I can find you and share
no matter where you stand and go where
it is nicest way to fall in line
it may look sound and fine
With all her glittery smile
i loose sense for a while
I have yet to see and cover the miles
Among all truth and lies
how deeply i feel the pulse?
i had all love and no curse
it did touch my wounds and nurse
i could see the clear course
i loved you for simple reason
i never cared for any season
I saw poetic soul in you
it impressed me and is very true
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poem by Hasmukh Amathalal
Added by Poetry Lover
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A matter for no shyness
No one has escaped it so far
The distinct possibility is very far
There is no ban or bar
Cowards may face it in war
It will not take them away
They will be confused on the way
Who else can come to their rescue?
They have lost everything which was due
Nothing can be proved as such
You can do nothing or much
It may prove as disaster
He will become slave and not master
Guilt is inbuilt
Not to go in it
It may remain there
You can go no where
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poem by Hasmukh Amathalal
Added by Poetry Lover
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I Am Human
I am human being
Neither poor nor a king
Simple man with high aim
Nothing to leave behind and simply claim
Less I ignore
Love and everything I get more
Less I dislike and push you away
More you come near and stay
Yet I feel good and don't hate
I have fine nature but no words to state
I can't utter a word 'You die'
It will not be from my heart but a total lie
Cry when you feel like
Shy off when something you dislike
Meet people and openly express
Love to hate and keep smile on face
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poem by Hasmukh Amathalal
Added by Poetry Lover
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No Way To Cry
No way to cry
Just only try
To understand
Real love and friends
Not outer beauty to decide
But inner soul must confide
Take care of true attachment
And nicely enjoy happy moment
Love may never hurt
As you were never flirt
You had truly wished
But unfortunately finished
You need not hide
As love angle is very wide
You have nothing to loose
As it is not matter to choose
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poem by Hasmukh Amathalal
Added by Poetry Lover
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A firm n focus
Continue to stay firm and focus
Always try to have plus and no minus
You may succeed in life thus
This is strictly between you and us
Say it in simple way
Attention always pays
Think always positive
Try very hard and be assertive
Failure or success may not deter
Neither they dominate nor do they alter
No dissenting voice to utter
Doors always open and no closing of shutters
Free and fresh air to come in
After draw backs there may be win
Try hard for tough bargain
No to worry but target should be main
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poem by Hasmukh Amathalal
Added by Poetry Lover
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A love and friend
A love and friend
No beginning and end
No comparison either
Distinct from each other
Lover may desert or leave
Friend may rescue and relieve
All your worries till you feel sound
Lover may fool you when taken around
One is nice to hold
Another in esteem to behold
One may find ways to part
Other may witness till happily you depart
Lover as friend simply adored
Such nicety always to be explored
A friend in lover is always welcome
Lover may go off but friends may always come
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poem by Hasmukh Amathalal
Added by Poetry Lover
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