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Hasmukh Amathalal

No Pretence

You don't have to pretend
But remain alert and carefully attend,
Whatever is the happiness and joy?
Make little choice and secretly enjoy,

It shall make you to feel at ease
Once you prefer contentment
Then there is no scope for discontentment
You can leave behind everything for the moment

No one should pretend to be perfect
As it may require honest act
This fact must be clear and borne in mind
Reason out your approach or find

When it comes to the purity of thought?
It is seriously taken and fought
There is simplicity and no pretence
It is understood with single sentence

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A Hunger

Hunger has no substitute and called as hunger
It is observed and felt even in anger
You need only two meals a day
But can't find a honorable way

It is narrated so nicely and gone
All good words said and not done
It is really curse and pathetic condition
It burns from inside and fuels the ignition

Nothing is seen or objected
All pleas for help is rejected
How can there be new ideas to be injected?
When person is hungry and angrily acted?

It is felt by poor and rich
It beyond everybody’s reaches
You won’t like idea if someone tries to preach
It is felt differently by each

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Orders are orders

Orders are after all orders
As there is no room for wonderers
The land may be sacred for her
To claim as ancestral or land of mother

What do the solders know?
They have orders to throw
Any intruders if enters illegally
Just to face the trigger brutally

Soldiers will have to obey commander
As he is authorized to issue an order
He may be soldier first then human
Must keep no corner for man or woman

"Shoot the target" means shoot instantly
The orders may be fast and not spoken gently
It has forbearance of nationalism
Where everything is secondary including humanism

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Not the game

It is never mistaken
Until calculated and taken
For everybody knows
Amidst fear, love grows

It is not the game
But it natural comes
Someone gets it and feel heartened
Someone is failed in it gets disheartened

But never regret
Time may pass it as bad fate
Nothing bad out of It may emerge
As time may heal in time and oblige

Love is divine gift
It should have no rift
It can have some shift
But after all it is needed to lift

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One Sided

Is it not one sided?
When not put forward or confided?
How can that be stolen?
When not a word of love is spoken

No one may ever disregard
If that is done with total regard
It is never tore apart
When you are inseparable part

What can be known stand?
Better understanding to befriend
Vow to stand for each other
Hand and hand and completely care

It may serve no purpose
If only you suppose
Offer daily rose
And think you have chosen

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An innocent soul

I saw in you an innocent soul
Never believed in game of dual
My approach was sincere and not casual
It differs from individual to individual

Love is not a demanding thing
It emanates from something
Person longs for company
Gets a joy not realized many

It is never late
We all are guided by fate
No matter when and where it takes place
It is natural and without any chase

You be happy and worry free
Give a shade like big tree
There is joy and quite happiness
Shine may be seen on face

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A deadly hit

She failed to make it
It did hurt and deadly hit
I knew she will come
I was ready to welcome

It was her desire
She wanted something to acquire
It was not at all expected
She had high regards and respected

I wanted her not to weep
Consoled her all the time to keep
Clam posture with no concern
It can be any body’s turn

I heard her woes and felt sorry
She was passing time with great worry
She had all the way kept thinking
Unfortunately she was out for sinking

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One plus one is one

Oh seen lots of poems and enjoyed
In fact stayed near to it with joy
But keep it veiled it and accept
Love is for self joy and hence must be secret

It must not be aired
Often it may be subjected to satire
People may soon loose interest and get tired
Let it remain with you and be admired

It is nice to feel and share
And it is exceptional and daring
Love is to feel and take care
I don't know how far it is fare?

Rose need not be told that it has fragrance
Its lovely appearance is to seen and taken as chance
E may have it or miss it at once
But must be borne in mind that one plus one only one

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A hand in hand

Yes it is you and me
Under the shade of tree
We are bound to be free
To walk together and not to flee

Hand in hand
Still very close friend
We may live together
There is nothing to bother

There is no fear
Fine days to approach near
Storm may wither
We may walk always together

Nothing can change
It is only to manage
Time may soon tell
If everything goes well

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You Have Deceived

You have deceived
The message was long back received
God sent you here with big smile
You forgot him meanwhile

You were to spread
Live the life and lead
Peaceful life with message
Not to force anybody to live in cage

He made no difference
You were chose and sent at once
With love and peace
To live with others at ease

Every object live with harmony
Still message not understood by many
Hatred and war control the rage
Create bad blood and drive a wedge

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