Live race
Let it be art, science or trade
They are like edges of blade
Never allow you easy success
Many times you will loose the face
Try hard and overcome the line
Push everything aside and keep on side line
The success story may be repeated
Happiness and joy with us and to feel elated
We are not here to cry over failure
Nothing is certain or to be taken for sure
Original product may turn out to be impure
So is life and may turn any time sour
Love to live and enjoy rich fruits
It may give you room to suit
Adjust with the odds and face
Life is constant chase and live race
poem by Hasmukh Amathalal
Added by Poetry Lover
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A incredible treasure
Incredible treasure
No one can measure
It is really a pleasure
To understand and make sure
No educationist can do
Not even with insight through
It is really a wonderful contribution
Wonderful service as an institution
If a knowledgeable person unearths some secrets
It must be accepted without reservation or regrets
It is nice to preserve and treasure the thought
No one ponders over it to be simply caught
It is service to the international community
Old discoveries are highlighted with utility
Some day we may find its greater use
It is for us to think and choose
poem by Hasmukh Amathalal
Added by Poetry Lover
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A poet everywhere
A poet everywhere and around
In nature, on mountain and in sound
Conveying the melody in beautiful words
As if spoken from mouth of lords
What if one gets no name
It is praiseworthy and no shame
Not all can be judged by the crowd
Still one feels internally very proud
It is divine pulse that is beating
All expectations and inspirations meeting
A peace with affection when openly meeting
A status he has quite naturally befitting
There is reward from almighty
No one must lament or feel pity
There is blessing for holding sanctity
This is what required as fine quality
poem by Hasmukh Amathalal
Added by Poetry Lover
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Hall Of Kings
It is just bubble
Out from water to create trouble
May last soon
May be in night or after noon
Keep baggage ready
Move ahead and keep space steady
Ground may be slippery
Walk freely with no worry
Loose no sight
As you may be wrong or right
You got to face and fight
Wait for no darkness but only light
Just wish and say 'good bye'
But with an attempt and earnest try
Not to be marred by ill wish
But with blessings for good finish
[...] Read more
poem by Hasmukh Amathalal
Added by Poetry Lover
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Why sex not dignified
Why not dignified?
It should be personified
Even if its importance not magnified
It has always remained defied
One knows the importance and fact
It is not underlined fact but a sacred act
The whole universe is product of such event
It needs no further comment
It has remained as mysterious as ever
We have misinterpreted it for ever
The fact is we can not do away with it
So at least praise and be with it
We are all by product of dignified act
We need not to camouflage it under any tact
The fact may remain as plain as white
We must acknowledge the fact and need not fight
poem by Hasmukh Amathalal
Added by Poetry Lover
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Proof or no proof
No surnames before or after
Carries the meaning thereafter
A simple label for acknowledgement
Still it may invite many comments
We may add suitable prefix or suffix
It is to cater the feeling mix
All to vapor in time to come
Who else will wait for us to welcome?
We may change the status in times to come
For public consumption and good welcome
It will trouble still the big crisis
You try for futile bid with clear emphasis
Identity or no identity or proof or no proof
We have to remain lone and aloof
No surname or cast given at birth
Human will perish as human after death
poem by Hasmukh Amathalal
Added by Poetry Lover
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Real Efe
Love me 'Efe' *
If you are free
Let us sit under tree
With freedom and liberty
You sing a song.
To feel me no wrong
Read my expressions
With full obsessions
Will you hold my hand?
As a true ally and friend
Not for breaking trend
But till the dead end
What were you searching?
In me but really not reaching
You wanted real soul
I have responded to call
[...] Read more
poem by Hasmukh Amathalal
Added by Poetry Lover
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You must open
You must open your window
Give access and allow
I shall touch the idle nerve
That may ideally serve
The poetry may come into life again
Just too express agony and pain
But you shall be revived
In world again to be survived
Poetry is never written in sleep
That gospel must be in mind to keep
As it may surface with little impetus
You are back again in life for us
Don't die virgin
As it has no meaning
Life has to offer flowers
With beautiful rainy showers
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poem by Hasmukh Amathalal
Added by Poetry Lover
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A ladies to have
l let the ladies have fine hair to comb
whole world realizes the importance of womb
let their beautiful body be preserved in tomb
i salute to the divine figure by raising the thumb
Absolutely no suggestion but respect
soul searching effort to introspect
where does lie their dignity?
why do we shame the humanity?
we all owe to her our existence
everything seems easy in her presence
what is she in our whole life?
a mother, sister auntie or beautiful wife?
In all forms I adore
what else can we say more?
she deserves everything on earth
she has pain to feel even after death
poem by Hasmukh Amathalal
Added by Poetry Lover
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Money Love
Miss you so much sweet
But you did not greet
I was all along with you angel
But you had different angle
You wanted me to go fast
So I had no option but to last
But now since you are sorry
Then take care and don't worry
I shall try to stay
But don’t throw the promises away
You have heart only to spend
But that brings my tragic end
I want to be with you sweet
But you have no time to meet
I don’t stay at one place
But change hands in the race
[...] Read more
poem by Hasmukh Amathalal
Added by Poetry Lover
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