Little Fragrance
jivean mera mahak raha ho,
aur jagme sare khusiya hi khusiya,
koi na ho naga aur bhukha
banke rakhu use apna hi sakha
kya no janu man mandir ko
kya chal raha hai bhitar mano
kabhi na ho gam ke tare aur sitare
aur na ho bahut dur kinare
.......... translation.........
If life can smell like fragrance
And happiness all around at once
I shall keep them all with me
Even if they are cloth less and hungry
Why I don’t know read the mind?
What is going on inside?
Let there be no painful stars in the sky
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poem by Hasmukh Amathalal
Added by Poetry Lover
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Hard struggle
I was swept and carried away by foolish thinking
Success made me blind and eyes were blinking
I never knew it may some times offer kicking
I still went on to my position with views sticking
I had no other options but to remain with present
All other ideas were not coming or were absent
I did what was at that time need of the hour
Time was always good and in my favor
No regrets whatsoever for so long stay
I remembered Almighty and never went away
I always sought His blessings and guidance
I may close my eyes with happiness in abundance
poem by Hasmukh Amathalal
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What about tomorrow
I did not follow,
Mind didn’t allow,
Hide face under pillow,
Some bitter pills to swallow,
Sun was blazing,
Heat waves with direct rays,
Forcing people to find some ways,
Shelter, tree’s shade or whatever possible,
Found one labourer,
Working under sun,
Sun on top with full afternoon,
Sweating and digging,
“Will you eat some food? ”
It is fresh and good,
No, Madame, I am sorry,
Food is no worry,
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poem by Hasmukh Amathalal
Added by Poetry Lover
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At Her Zenith
She is at her zenith
No one knows beneath
She keeps it confined to her breath
She at her best and lives with
Garden is beautiful with flowers
Might have come up with fresh showers
But all work done by her dedicated efforts
Where she find herself with nature in rapport
Is the new birth expected in garden?
Her beautiful insight helped even
Nothing to worry and nothing to get hurt
Good result and no one can subvert
She is graceful with all her acts
Where an art remains fact
Flowers speak for all the grace
One can smile with shine on face
poem by Hasmukh Amathalal
Added by Poetry Lover
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A gift for us
Refugees in God's free land
For centuries very dear and close friend
We do our best to uproot their nest
Where will stop in our quest
We spoil they natural habitat
We want it to be instant
We are creating imbalance and distance
They will be distinct and disappear at once
Birds have remained with us
They have no fear but only trust
So eco friendly and trustworthy
They need some care and mercy
Let them make their voice and sound
They are beautifully heard and found
You get joy when in morning go round
It is naturally a gift for us around
poem by Hasmukh Amathalal
Added by Poetry Lover
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Oh, God
Oh, God please help me out
Save me from possible rout
I am blind and know nothing about
I follow nothing and always flout
There I need some guidance
Some form of trajectory at once
Remain within circle but not thrown
Not misguided and blindly driven
I knell down before you not for gain
It is not for meant to relieve the strain
Only wish to remain closely and near
Let there be free mind with no fear
I shall ask for only reprieve
Never instill me with idea to deceive
I shall really remain ever grateful
As life so far was happy and cheerful
poem by Hasmukh Amathalal
Added by Poetry Lover
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You Are At
You are where you are supposed to
Try to find put whatever is true
Love is where it should be
You can have it cost free
Love can not be had for simple reasons
It can be difficult for any person
No one can claim on the basis of wealth
You should look good also with health
Win the heart with your sincerity
Prove you’re honest with good quality
You may hold hand till the end
Maintain it till last as friend
You will get it without even try
Many people feel very shy
But it is one time affair in beautiful span
One must thrive for and simply plan
poem by Hasmukh Amathalal
Added by Poetry Lover
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Human Nature Must
It is human nature to shed tears
Pain and agony make them to suffer and bear
Compel them to feel weary about present
Live in foolish world as if with mind so absent
The world is beyond that
We shape our destiny and fate
Something may come early or late
But maintain composure and repeatedly statue
Thre is no use if you cry in open
That may only worsen and reopen
Your past worries and stress
You will then be unable to face
Make the way out of race
Turn around and see in case
You may find world so enterprising
Many things may be there and suprising
poem by Hasmukh Amathalal
Added by Poetry Lover
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I love it
I love it from heart
It is godly gift and divine art
One misses it for a friend
Till the arrival of end
I shall hold it to the last
She must come to me very fast,
I should never miss the train
Get wet if need be in the rain
Such is feeling
I am very much willing
She remains at the canter
What else I need to cater?
Let friendship flow?
Day by day it must grow
Like river waters flow
I must respect wind to blow
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poem by Hasmukh Amathalal
Added by Poetry Lover
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A first or last
I may not be the first
It was going from bad to worst
It was real test
Though I tried my level best
I couldn’t do it
I was very late
How could I blame the fate?
I am ashamed to state
The cloak can’t be brought back
The time has passed to track
Enough water has flown in river
It creates panic and fever
I stand on brink of pond
I was so eager and fond
I saw the water very static
Is the life not so tragic?
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poem by Hasmukh Amathalal
Added by Poetry Lover
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