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Emmanuel Kwabena Woyome

April Love Affair

This piece is premised on a true experience which has left many questions unanswered and I carefully dedicate it wholly to E.A. Taale for inspiring me to.........and just like Esther's one night with the king in the Bible, those few hours caused the sun to shine on a black brother.

April love affair

Even though brief,

It saw not a moment of grief

Love streamed down your eyes-

Like tears

Whence my heart-

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poem by Emmanuel Kwabena WoyomeReport problemRelated quotes
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The Blind Deaf

Power ripped away the expectations of posterity

Leaving the hopeless and powerless-

Resigned to insecurity and inferiority

Feud is juxtaposed with greed

As myriad families-

Find it yet impossible to feed

Men are quick to justify-

But the objective of warfare

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poem by Emmanuel Kwabena WoyomeReport problemRelated quotes
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