Touches of the Night
Brought by a mischievous wind, a sound –
Like a long whisper ringing in to my ear,
Seducing my naked form as it now rested,
From the cruelty of my fiendish mind;
As the clouds erased the face of the moon,
A prism of light crept into my misty room,
Upon which I saw the shadow of my soul,
Forbidding my idled-body to sleep no more;
By torrid touches of the night awakened I,
In a tug of war between evil and good,
A crucial race of life and death did I see?
The eclipse of my body and soul or shall I say,
Am I lucky or luckily I breathed again -?
For whom I’ve given the riddle if death became mine.
poem by Efren Petalver Carranza
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Beyond the light, it’s like an endless road,
A pathway of life, He said: “I am the light, ”
To guide you out from the shadow of darkness,
And to bring forth your faith when you’re lost;
When you walk through the edges of doubts,
And stumble or fall from the step of success,
Don’t give up, leap up your faith,
For life is too short, too precious to keep.
Who has no problems and trials in life?
These are like clouds that fade away;
Or, if not, it’s their colors that change,
To wish upon a good sunny day or rain,
For tomorrow is another day a new beginning,
When you wake up and say, “Good Morning! ”
poem by Efren Petalver Carranza
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Life Is Worth Living
Piles of papers on the floor,
Color coded to master,
Eight hours a day to fiddle,
Oh, what a job to settle.
Lego toys and cereal crumbs,
Dirty clothes on the floor,
Piles of plates on the counter,
Oh, what a job thereafter.
But life goes on no matter what
Will it be in its deepest mystery,
And as we seek our own destiny,
We’ll trip and fall along the way.
Those of us who fell in to a pit,
Slum of poor among the poorest,
We strive life for what is best,
And what it’s worth than shame
[...] Read more
poem by Efren Petalver Carranza
Added by Poetry Lover
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Life, Candle, and Wine
How much is too much a pain after pain,
In a tight fist can hold again and again;
On a prowling face, how long is too long,
For someone to suffer the agony of ageing;
Like a candle lives by the lit of its wick,
Slowly burning through dangers of wind,
Its soulful light will soon become weak,
To send scents of some kind to think;
A barrel of wine is sweeter when aged
To perfection in an excellent time;
To hold and wait is worth awhile
Of knowing how much is too much;
A life could trade from candles and wines,
By arithmetic lift of arrogance,
But life like candles will short-lived,
And all the wines will be emptied.
poem by Efren Petalver Carranza
Added by Poetry Lover
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The Vow
Fragile as crystal dragon
Born by fire in delicate form
With that of life, it's inert to compare
Than its mighty colors with that of love
There's this place called castle in the sky
Where perfection is sheltered in a dream
And where the hurdles are forsakenly unseen
Until they come in the age of time to resound
The verbs of desire, here's this truth
Sought in the recital of a silent prayer
From sunken sun to the coming of new moon
Life has its own tide of high and low
To perfect the vow once pronounced
The lines that are to be held with care
For such commitment, it is the give and take
That grants us the assurance of happiness
poem by Efren Petalver Carranza
Added by Poetry Lover
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All Seems Like Yesterday
Yesterday, I saw you and me
[But younger than yesterday]
Between high rises
Lamp posts gleamed
Streets like maze
At nine o'clock Friday night
In SF [not lost]
It just happened
No moon, no stars
In the room of strangers
Eyes talked their language
As young as other feet, our feet
Stomping on the dance floor
Of Donna Summer's beat
Till it died at 2AM
And the myth of coffee
Past alcohol spun you and me
The sun escaped
[...] Read more
poem by Efren Petalver Carranza
Added by Poetry Lover
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In the Speed of Time
Again the sun painted the sky blue, orange, gray;
Then through the castles of clouds a full moon shines,
With every earth’s breath let the wind chimes play,
While the birds dwell in their leafy shrines,
Below the horizon in the heat of this long thirsty summer,
Golden-green hays crept to the dawn of autumn,
While the big appetite of gnawing mammals kept waiting,
The chill of winter came in the very speed of time.
As each sunrise unveils the snow-covered mountains,
Patches of snow pursed in to icy-pocket of the river,
While the scents of wild flowers perfume the atmosphere,
The choir of birds now welcome the birth of spring.
poem by Efren Petalver Carranza
Added by Poetry Lover
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The Lucky Charm
……And suddenly
The colors of the rainbow appeared
Across the pathway of an airplane rushed
Through the sprinkle of rain in the morning sun
But the question remained unanswered
On the young man's mind
Then a gallop of rain ran through the funnel
And briefly flowed in to the canal
And so his toy-boat made of coconut husk
Sailed through the storm of water waste
There was once a fairy tale he remembered
That his grandmother told when he was ten
"When the first dropp of rain comes in summer
watch the banana heart that blooms first
and once you caught this golden sap
this will bring you an enormous luck."
…….But then it was too late.
poem by Efren Petalver Carranza
Added by Poetry Lover
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Who Is Mai Iddu
I am a shadow to your eyes can only coat
The sun of your current mind – I caught:
Ice cream turning into sunscreen
I am there to your eyes can only smell and taste
Coconut flakes [like sand-dust on my navel] rest
On your hands to lotion your cliff chin
Miami Beach [I am there at the mimic of your stare]
With simple glance vowed by a promise not to care
The impetuosity of a man brought back to childhood
So beloved that each conception no one understood
I’m there! To your eyes speaking purely in our tongue
Redemption of such action if you only know it’s wrong
Frayed between pity and a job caregivers do
I replied: “Not your wife, sir; I am Mai Iddu.”
poem by Efren Petalver Carranza
Added by Poetry Lover
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My Theory of Hate
God created the cycle of human
With different knowledge to share
So we can learn from each other
As we grow in His hands.
But the teachings of our forefathers
That molded our beliefs,
Our customs and traditions,
These made us indifferent.
Yet, He colored our blood the same
That flows through the chords of our veins
Then to and from the heart love begins
As brothers and sisters is what He aimed
If God created us in sizes and shapes
All our skin, our hair, our eyes alike
Then our genders would be all the same
Will the theory of magnetism prevail?
[...] Read more
poem by Efren Petalver Carranza
Added by Poetry Lover
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