Love For You
my heart thumps it beats it beats for u every beat every second my mind races of being in ur sweet embrace thinkin of u was always a good thought the best of thought ecvne if i was in the worst of situations my thoughts r unclear wne i think i thinks of ur sweet name ur sweet personally i only hadda short mount o time with u i wish i had more u made me happy i lved ur smile it was sweet sweet like as beautiful as a red rose ur eyes shine shine beautiful like a clear blue sky the sun warms my skin as u warm my heart please ill always b there for u for eternity and beyond jus for u
poem by Dorian Suchelle
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Curse Of Forever Lonliness
in this darkness bove all and everything esle my soul gits consumed twilight descends me darkness fill my heart the light has left me i hav fallen into many diffrent kinds of hell the gods themsevles hav cursed me alife of eternal lonliness in my quest to start from the bottomless depths i climb heaven ward towards up and forever upwardss to begin a new my life has been torn asunder for now and forever more i curse the gods themselves and bring thunder and lightinging and all the evil in whcih i hav been forced to face i bring my vengence now forever i bring hell to end this curse
poem by Dorian Suchelle
Added by Poetry Lover
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Love Of An Angel
the sweetness of ur smile the touch of ur soft skin the look of desire and beauty in ur pretty eyes the warmth of ur breath the feeling i hav for u the sun the stars the moon the heavens above paradise eternal now n forever more in ur arms is what i love most of all the kiss of ur lips the beating in ur heart that much i could always hold near and dear to me
no feelin could compare to such not wealth not fortune or fam not reconiztion jus a reconiztion for u beauty eternal everything that is devine is what u are in my eyes in my heart my soul always feel lit up with the love i get from you
poem by Dorian Suchelle
Added by Poetry Lover
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Your Freindship To Me
if stars are bright and a mornin sunshines are warm and soothing ur smile is both bright and warm and soothing all at once if being around a treasure is great then being around u would feel that way to know u is treasure all the treasure id ever want or need for gold or silver or other riches wouldnt interest me as much as i mam interested in you if mother teresa had a heart of gold and st peter did good thigns for god then to me ur both like them but not them to me i think ur better then for u shine breighter then gold and seem holier then any saint could ever b to me thnk u for being a friend
poem by Dorian Suchelle
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u tried i remembered i failed u succeeded i got left and lost u went on everyone cheered u on as u went to success and glory i got forgotten and no one ever remembered me i still love you even if u went away and accomplished better things all i ever ask was that u show me a lil bit o love and respect for ill always remember you what goes on next much later only tiem will tell i ask the controller for help and if i can get at least sum kind of assistance maybe i will maybe i wont for all i know with but even a lil bit o hope i must muster all i can and move forward and onward an keep going til im done.
poem by Dorian Suchelle
Added by Poetry Lover
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Angel She Is.
she is everything to me in this world her pure heart of gold and her smile that in which can brighten even the darkest of places in this universe her name so pretty so sweet to say to think and dream and know her would be the best thing ever in this life i know we speak very little or not at all but i think of her and want her to know that her soul is like that golden treasure one worth searching and endangering ones life for in the end to just be with her and talk and hang out with her would be one adventure id risk life and death for wen i talk to her i feel like nothing else in this world matters only when i talk to her.
poem by Dorian Suchelle
Added by Poetry Lover
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Loving Smile
a sweet smile a wonderful heart beats kind and gentle as her lips turn into a smile soft and serene everythign beautiful shes all that and more a small fire of desire burns in my soul my heart beats gentle its beats erratically she amkes me feel nervous but her smile calms me down time after time time marches forward day into night as night goes back into day a sun rises its warm and its bright it warms my body i love the sparkle of stars as they shine at night they remind me of her looking into her eyes they sparkle so beautiful your so wonderful all of evertythign and anything about you is just great smile forever please.....
poem by Dorian Suchelle
Added by Poetry Lover
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you make my heart beat, you make me, breathe, you, make and fulfill my heart and soul with life, you are special to me, you make me want to be the best i can be all the time, everytime we speak, and everytime i say your name my heart rejoices with a sweetness that no other can fulfill other then your self, you make me want you so bad and love and hold and just respect you always and forever, you make me love you for who you are and what kind of wonderful person you are, you make me want to look into ur eyes for the longest time before i kiss your lips you just have a special place in my heart and i and just want you to know that.
poem by Dorian Suchelle
Added by Poetry Lover
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Star Screamer
I TrIED mY HarDest i shOuLD HAvE trieD HARdEr I Not KnOW Wat TO DO BuT keEP On tRyiN OnUnTIl i AM SuCcEsFul I LiKe her stiLl BuT My thOugHtS aRe wiTh HER Shes a GoOD peRsOn iLL aLWayS reSpeCt hEr uNTIl the dAy i cAN SPEaK To HER aGAIn BUT uNtIl tHeN I GuEsS It is i kNow IN My heArT i hAVe a FeW INdEfeCINCIeS And mUst wOrk tHOsE Out b4 i am tO BCoME A WhoLe anD OncE mOrE PARt oF SocIEtY THAt day oNE Day iS GOiNG TOo apprOACh me ANd fAst and PrEPARed oR NOt I wiLl haVe to sTAnd uP to thaT CHaAllenGe anD kNow aND faCe It oFf wITH aLl i am aND RIgHT Now thaS NoT MUCh BuT SoOn oNe dAy But nOT todAy i lOok to StARs anD ScreAm to wArDs tHe heAveNS.
poem by Dorian Suchelle
Added by Poetry Lover
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Forever Graceful
for her id travel far and wide as far as her love could tke me to the darkest of places to restore faIth and honor among everything esle she like the light that brightens my soul an leads me off into distant twilight id go thru and fear no evil anything and everything good is her she knows how make one feel super even if he is alone lost and confused maybe she always sparkle and shine and never beanything less jus always good and may she always be remembereed always now and forever more into infinity and above in the distant heavens may u always have a place with the gods and goddesses for u are sweet as sugar and nicer then bad ur love is graceful
poem by Dorian Suchelle
Added by Poetry Lover
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