No More....
No mORE OR nO LeSs or MoRe oF leSS tHen WAt i oNCe fElt GOT rEDUCeD aNd tHat i guEeSS iS bEst foR AlL AND EvERyoNe is bEst cuZ evErYOnes BeTtEr tHen tHe rEST umm what nOW Of No mOrE I GuEsS i Can Say anY prOmISe iVe MADEs jUs GeTs nOt EvEr DoNe nOT GOnna fEL MaD, Not gUnNA fEL mAD, cANt fEel baD, Nor hAPpy, Or aNy kINdA goOD FeELinG I GUeSs FOr OTheRS i can fEEL hAppy foR dEm buT DA hApPiNeSs In mE DroPs goT My pLAN GOt My gOAl whAtEvEr WhENeVeR tHat iS gOiNg to hAPpInG Wo knoWs cuZ i sure aS hELl doNt onlY THe LonELy EVeR KnOW Thas ME BuT MusT gIt to EsLEWheN fOR NOW LifE WHaTeVeR kiND i hAVe LeFt mUst bE sAVEd For a NeW ADVenTuRe arISes foR mE For otHeRs tHey do gOoD iN THEy own WAy MY WAy lEads To NowhErE But ThaS WHeRe i wAs ALWays HeAding MyBe I BE soldIEr hAT take TiME mUsT tuRn My SeLF InTo SuMtING ElsE been tHe same wAY FOR too lOnG AnD FOr tHat i wAs alwAYs BehInD BuT FOr No MorE OR No leSs i mUsT be SUmtHiNG oF IndIFfeRENCE to bE A SOlDIEr wouLD Be diFfereNt mybe It TIME i stArT FOlLoWIng oRDerS AND JuS Do thAt CUZ IN LiFe nO MoRe Or nO LeSS ThEN wat I AM iM A DO suMtin oF GrEATNeSs whiLe OtHeRs HAVe tHeRe Own lIvES and nOt WorRy FOr OThErs WhOm ThEY shoUld lovE AND THATS cOoL nUtTiNg wROng wiT DaT nUtTInG BuT mAD RespeCt fOr YoU rEGulAR foLkS In lIfE U GiVe No mOrE tHen wAT U NeEd TO And u aLSO gIVe No lEsS tHeN wat u haVE TO.
poem by Dorian Suchelle
Added by Poetry Lover
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Sweetness Of Ana
I think your sweet beautiful wonderful a blessing that is not disguised to know u is great the echoes of your heart beats for an eternity more to know sumone such as yourself is great its wonderful such as your the thought of you lightens my soul lifts me out of darkness i could ask and pray to god for riches or fame anyhing that brings me sum kinda success but he let me get to know you the awesomess of you is better then money or jewels or reconition ur a uniquie individual sun shines stars falinto place and twikle and shine you present your self so beautifully i smile wehn i hear of your happiness tears come from my eyes thinking just how nice you are your the best everyone loves we are all blessed to be able to know of an heavenly sweet heart such as yourself never change sweet ana how i wish i could hold you in my embrace to kiss your lips look deeply into your eyes and look into what true devine eternal realy is you make me feel good u make me wanna shine and sparkle like the stars above id wanna be good forever so jus as i could be good for you and with u until twilight descends ill always have your memory id want my heart to almways beat for you everybreathe be beautiful i hope you think of me as i think of you always for you'd always be on my mind until the my time on this world ends be cool and astay smiling sweet beautiful ana.
poem by Dorian Suchelle
Added by Poetry Lover
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Star Seed Or Eternal Sunhine Of Your Mind.
the earth the moon and the black and starry sky such a sweet night life in twilight vale and ender tales of heros and villians and good and evil times of armies of horrific proportions over whelming odds and lil success seed of wonder and seed of truth the truth be told under limelight of the coldest and darkest night super illumation of soul and heart soul searching of heart and mind evil corruption of the mind and heart goodness overwhelms these terrible irregularities of ur heart and mind true love blossoms like a beautiful flower from a seed planted a long time ago far and lost in the coldest winters of olden time to awaken and bloom into sumthing bright and beautiful for all to see in the gardens of life but into the halls of madness one stumbles darkness falls on everything from every angle the evil ones follow and are on ur path the odd ones stir sumwhere in the shadows do it is whatever the hell that the odd ones like to do after what seem forever stumbling around the darkest halls of long and lonliness u make ur way to bright fields of golden light an eternal sunshine of the brightest mind your sweet mind which brings love to me in more ways then i can tell you with her in your heart that love can make one overcome the darkest of evils for her what lies in her heart is an eternal brightness that fulfills ur mind of wonder and love for an eternity.
poem by Dorian Suchelle
Added by Poetry Lover
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Set Me Free...
gone away we are from another you went ur way i remained here lost confused and alone satyed i have til rainclouds came and thru a storm i remained still deep in thought from your sweet love your eternal beauty in ur eyes a gracefullness of foreverness ur cool calm relaxed what people like in a person thry exuherbance in which radiates from you an excellance a coolness the greatness from you so hard to not think of u your sweetness ur awesome aditude towards life ur the best of both worlds whats in ur mind may ualways know greatness goodness never sadness like sum of most of sum of us feel in this life this ever more bleakness towards the nothingness in which you recieve try as u might and try as u will try harder or try nothing but least must try and make and effort to acheive a greatness and make sunshine of forevermore shine down upon ur soul for ur are all thats great always now and forever more sweet sweet person that you are and gone away i am like a thief into the night itself into shadows and thru halls of madness i wander but always with ur memory from now until i reach my destination where that be into the bright lights of the heavens above or into the coldness of hell or jus still lost and alone and by myself sumwhere down the road of forever i know that sumthin or nothing will but come towards me but for now i say good bye and always wish the best for you.
poem by Dorian Suchelle
Added by Poetry Lover
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No One's Hero...anymore
ride north form your last known position leave no trace of where u were for how long and why u were there n do things only for yourself long and ever u did good things u went out of your way u went as high to the heavens and got diamonds and brought them as gifts for others and took nuthin in return then u go deep into the very darkest ocean in a world far and away and retreive a trifrudents heart a beautiful piece of blue bright diamonds that sparkles and shines like a blue giant and it lights up the whole ocean as u got u bring the bright blue diamond to the ones that cherish u for what u do they not thank u you dont care much for thanks ur just happy to be able to do things and not profit no rewards or nuthing like that u look up and see the night time sky the distant stars that sparkle like distant diamonds far and away u look over at a couple kissing and holding each other and u know what they hav is worth more then just diamonds and gold combined fo whats in there hearts in ur heart u have a feeling close to jealousy but u just let that feeling go and know that ull not ever hav it u stop doin good things and start keepin to urself u remain in darkness for no one to see u leave a note telling everyone it was cool that u helped everyone out but u just wanna rest for awhile so then u escape u goto the stars and head for the darkest place in the heavens and never look back knowin u aint gonna b anyones hero.
poem by Dorian Suchelle
Added by Poetry Lover
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Gone Away 654
my heart has been ripped and torn a sunder shredded into a million, a billion a trillion diffrent little pieces spread across a void a darkness so dark so black so utterly void of of anything but light i wander thru alone lost and confused my mind on so many other other diffrent things other then what i was originally thinking of now im lost and by myself no other company other then me and my misery my sorrow my anger and my sadness i see nothing i use to see everything i was once someone now im no one les than nothing nothing more then the nothingness in which i was before try as i may and try as i might i dont try no more i do nothing the goodness and the greatness has left me in a place ill probably always be in the time goes on for others and others onward time ticks and tocks it beats like my heart slowly but surely sumthing of anything sum kinda wonderful my soul has filled with the deepest darkest saddest of thoughts thought of this and thoughts of that of what once was and now is nothing more i feel my very soul like a candle in the slowly and surely my candle fades away into the very winds of eternity my soul doesnt go out with a bang jus fades from light to the darkness in which i am now absorbed now and forever more gone away to a place where all ill ever know is loneliness and darkness and misery a hundred times over and over gone may it seem but always in your heart and in your thoughts id hope to be in and part of always
poem by Dorian Suchelle
Added by Poetry Lover
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Thoughts Of Her
all that i am and all that im not try as i may and try as i will ill try harder and give it my best the darkness will com and darkness will pass what lies ahead in yonder paths only ill know but not for a while my heart lays in your hands what u will do or waht u dont i give u my heart keep it have it an hold or break it in a million pieces all that i know the light in yer eyes shines upon my darkened soul now my heart smiles when u say my name even if u jus say it once i hear ur voice in my head for all time ill always remember the sweetness of your voice that heavenly sound like angels in thy distant heavens far and away is what ur voice sounds like to me never sounds bad always sounds sweet my hearts beats it beats fast wen i think of you it beats a mile a minute feels good this loving feeling i hope that it would never end before everything my soul was nothing inside i was alone and things looked like they were going to come to an end like a big brick wall i was cornered til i met you i smashed thru that wall and felt like i could over come any sadness that was around me ur smile brightened my world turned night into day death into life the stars they shine and they sparkle just like the sweetness of your smile a beautiful feeling to a wonderful person that you are you makes everyone better around you ur like gravity everything jus attracts to you ur a sweet heart angel with the most gentle of things ill always think highly of u an always love ya ur goodhearted girl
poem by Dorian Suchelle
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whats this whats that who i am i who are u whats going down whats up the ground anhd the and the sky im sad im happy im mad im lost im down or am i so up but my heart is down no no yes yes fockthat fock this i miss this and i miss that i miss the bright light of the forever starlight that is bright i miss her smile that shines so brightly in my mind i miss that voice that soft sweetheart of a voice so heavnely so wonderful so sweet and full of hope im so out im so down feel like a no one but im a sumone i guess i try is all i can do and does and hoep and wonder in my mind lost still why no yes chocolate is sweet but shes is so much sweeter whats that all up in and around the heavens miss em days of being in hell lost and in darkness blind wandering thru thy halls of madness am i bad or am i good i unno i must be sumtin love is blind or love is nuthing but its sumtin to everyones esle i guess's i unno jus sitting heere beating my head against the wall bloody and battered broken and lonely im jus kiddin my writing is starting to slip cant focuz cant do much why why why be better if i was forsaken cursed of the worst kinda curse there be jus gunna sit here and reflect reflect on what i dont much no more all i can do is try try until i gives up this sucks this feeling feeling of what i unno anymore feel bad like wen u stand o'er em cliffs and look down intot he forever fall plunge deep in the dark darkness of the deepest abyss nights be dark here now and forever more dnt know what to say anymore cant really giv a dam... nuff said
poem by Dorian Suchelle
Added by Poetry Lover
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Untitled 5485
bright light on the darkest night stars light your vision pure morning lights of heaven an angel descent skyward down and skyward up past up and below farther deeper inthe deepest depths of hell lonliness in your mind your heart beats ever more hard an fast a roller coast down and up and down again like waves crashing against a solid rock a southern wind blows sands of time scatter across an empty void big hills come into vision fields of dead grass rotten flowers festering away ashes to dust dust to nothingness stray from your body out of your mind gone from all the planes of existence to a reality so unlike anyother that you would never know darkness fills everything you open your eyes you open your mind dont open your heart you stay strong and true beleiving in what you will always know a forever darkness an empty stomach but a mind full of thought ideas dreams an goals go for gold no no not yet start with bronze build up slow crawl before u climb walk before you run never advance to fast stay simple and let life and your visions come into focus never let them turn to delusions of nothing let your heart beats true open your eyes to a whole wife world see your opportunity come into focus know that when push comes into shove you are ready for whatever darkness in life throws your way and maybe just maybe crossin that dark path across the empty void sumwhere over the great hills light shines on you and your objective is ready there just for you to grasp and in your emptiness gets fulfilled with thoughts of happiness and you start to live your dream
poem by Dorian Suchelle
Added by Poetry Lover
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The Lonesome Drifter
thE man cAME upOn a NeW pLAce It Was FARtHeST Away FROM HoMe hE wAS eVeR HE WaS AlonE, HE Had nO fRieNdS hE TaLkEd an sEen tHe SaMe PEOpLe FOR OVeR a YeAR SLoWLY THOugH HE GOt mIsERable sad n dEPReSSEd fELt suiCidAL TeNDeNcieS hE goT BeAt Up n RObBeD stuFf sToLen He Wa AlsO KiNdA A DruNK lOvEd hIS BEeR fOR ThAT waS oNE of hIs DownFallS BeiNg LoNeSOmE seEKiNg oUT REfUgE IN wAtEvEr dark alLEY OR BUSh he coUlD Jus to SUrVIVe oNE NiGhT bUT iN hIs MiND hE WaS alwaYs optimiSTic BoUt thIs Or tHAT Now he doNt NoW wHat ThE Fuk tO ThINK bUt iN HiS hEaRT He HOPEs bUt wAT gOOD Is HOpE WeN SLowlY ThE FeELiNg of hoPeleSSNESs creEps Up BeHInd yA but in His LiFe He KnOWS wAT MaTtErs aNd wAt matTeRS nOT if He EvEr matTeReD WHO KNOwS HiS CraZY FeELinG hE haD In hIS head tHey mUs b EXpELLEd Foer ChanGeS WilL HapPIN He wILl bE lONLy foR A wHiLE LongEr aS WelL aS hoMlEsS, HOpElleSS? ? ? whom KnOWS ONLy He DoeS hiS hEarT HaS lEt Him Down lol OH wELl bUt WAT Has NoT kIlld hiM WiLl MAKE hIm mOrE thEN Wat hE iS FOr He iS nOt mUCh hE iS Not eVen nOtHiNg TO Some peoPlE ThE rEgulaR NorMAL pPl bUt sTiLl The man MuST ACcEPt alL His lIFe is an WAt itS BeEn tHe LaSt WHiLE tHE Plan is stiLl tHe saMe for HIm he iS goIng To Go ELSeWhErE ANd LoSe HImSelf fOR AWhIlE myBe tHiNgS WIlL B CleAr foR HIm If it doesNt kIlL hiM WHeRe he gOes TO he is Going to bE A dRIFtEr agAin AND TakE a ChanCe In hIs YoUNG lIfE AN acCepT wATeVeR lIfE oFfErs hIm on THe open Roads TO A nEw LiFe HOpEFUlLy foR he iS'tHe LoNEsoM DrIfTeR'.-.... s tO WateVeR gODs yeaH ILL pray to to StAr GodS i MAKE It to DESTINAtiON In onE pieCE.
poem by Dorian Suchelle
Added by Poetry Lover
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