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Diane Hine

Ham Epitaph

H am
A ided
M ans' spatial
E nlightenment.
P ioneer worker
I n weightless conditions.
T he first chimpanzee to push
A lever in outer space, thus
P roving that, perhaps a man could too.
H am aided Mans' spatial enlightenment.

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Moral Maxim

M ost
O rders
R ule for pure
A nd impure goals,
L ike impure or pure
M achiavellian
A ims; Which would be worthier?
X enophon's advice to leaders
I nspired Machiavelli's idea[l]s.
M ost orders rule for pure and impure goals.

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Shallow sills and sea-grass meadows
channel hyper-saline pools.
Blue-green algae's limestone pillows
still obey Archaean rules.

Planet's first apartment dwellers,
submarine with penthouse suite.
Archives laid in rock lamellas,
remnants from a past elite.

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Triolet: Sacrifice

Mosquito you must die for me,
with one last hypodermic bite.
You have my blood and guarantee,
mosquito you must die for me.
I line you up and count to three,
goodNIGHT! to you, to me goodnight.

Mosquito you must die for me,
With one last hypodermic bite.

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Free Choice (a trigee poem)

If...............The only certainty
faith............that something exists; follows that
one..............ego is sufficient and
has no need......necessarily
for proof........irrefutable,
of God...........whatever it's true nature.

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The Debt

Marie Antoinette
Wan countenance set
With gunge
Sits mute at toilette
And dabs with a wet
Sea sponge
Now settle the debt
False charge, dark as jet

Cart avidly met
The creditors fret
And lunge
Then recompense whet
Slant iron is let
To plunge!
Wan countenance set
Marie Antoinette.

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Waning Cynical

Saturdays at the patisserie,
I sometimes burn my arms, wrists or hands,
balancing hot pie trays and dodging chefs.
New scars overlie old, pink on brown on white.
I'm middle-aged Icarus with singed bat-wings,
in the slow burn of everyday life.
I plan on drowning in dementia,
I enjoy a good melodrama.

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Lai Nouveau: May Offend.

Fair May stays indoor,
with artist mentor,
his minx.
Without her rapport,
his loathing would pour
and jinx,
his artistic chore
to blighted eyesore.

The sweet head she bore,
he sewed to stuffed core,
of lynx.
Still lips guarantor,
of love she once swore,
dear sphinx.
With artist mentor,
fair May stays indoor.

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Fruit Fly Tiff (Dodecatina Refrain)

F or
R easons
U nclear he
I mbibes more when
T hwarted at mating.
F ickle female fruit fly
L over, leaves luckless fellow
Y earning, if sated. He's fated
T o neuropeptide F depletion.
I n despondence, fly turns to alcohol.
F riendly scientists offer grief counselling.
F or reasons unclear, he imbibes more when thwarted.

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Floored by a rocket's phenomenal thrust,
fueled by unquenchable space wanderlust,
hydrogen, oxygen liquid combust,
aloft, horizontally fire.
Tangentially aimed, yet Earth's grasp is enthralling,
her curving withdrawal allows for free falling
and inside the capsule, so gracelessly sprawling,
are voyagers of weightless desire.

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