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Albert Ahearn

Song of Solomon 2: 15

Catch for us the foxes,
the little foxes
that ruin the vineyards,
our vineyards that are in bloom.

Identify the sons of bitches
Those littered curs
Whose gluttonous manner
Leaves naught for us and ours.

Catch for us the greedy
The avarice few
Who take that which is earned
collectively with toil and tears.

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Persistent Pecker

Off in the misty distance
I hear a hungry woodpecker
Hammering with his head.
This omnivorous, opportunist
Breaks the silence of the morn
With his rat-a-tat-tatting
As if knocking on a door.
His persistent pecking
Will end with success
When he excavates
The hapless insect
A meal deservingly gained
But the silence won’t remain
Because he'll begin all over again.

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A mantra

Here we both lie in our bed
She is sleeping, dreaming
In an unconscious world
While I lay here awake
Conscious of the dark
Concentrating on the sound
Of raindrops pitter-pattering
On the roof. I listen intently
To each distinctive descending drop
Different and yet the same
Like a mental mantra
Repeating over and over
Drip! Drop! Splash! Splat!
Until I [yawn] fall……

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Poets Are Born

Good poets are born, not fashioned.
The masters of sterility
write verses in prose and christen
them in the name of Poetry.
Meters are measured arrangements,
rhyme is correspondence of sound;
But devoid of inspiration
results, if ever, rarely found.
A poem must be a poet’s breath:
On inhalation he creates,
the exhalation, he narrates
Breathing life into words once dead.

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She lies peacefully in our bed
dead to the world, unaware of
my scrutiny. Her quiescence
in that funereal repose
sends an ice-cold shiver of dread
throughout my entire body.
My mind begins to wander
through a surrealistic maze
that challenges all reality.
She’s asleep! I said to myself
unconvincingly; then hurried
to her bedside and pled out loud:
Please! Let these lips I kiss be warm.

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I walked through a shadowed portal
into a darker existence:
a parallel microcosm
where light is impenetrable
and only remorseful sinners
inhabit this purging place.
A restless wind endlessly blows
its elegiac redolence
across a seemingly lifeless land
where no sunflowers ever grow.
I continued walking, groping
about, stumbling, until I saw
a faint illuminate ahead
the exit portal into light.

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Beauty Is...

I followed a single snowflake
On its free-fall journey to earth.
Obscured by its frozen, cloned kind
Landed silently camouflaged
Like a virgin parachutist
Whose achromatic flake added
To the cumulative beauty
Of a wintery afternoon.
At that moment I realized
Beauty was not a single truth
But a delightful harmony
Of invisible qualities
Comprising the form of beauty
Most often sadly overlooked.

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A Novel

As I turn the pages forward
I am taken on a journey-
A non-spatial continuum-
Time; a willing time-traveler
Where no luggage is required;
No passengers to contend with;
No special itinerary.
Just a conceding eagerness
To be taken along, alone.
The destination known to one-
Invisible but trustworthy;
The varied characters are him;
Put another way-imagined.
Where I’m taken is foreordained.

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I hear the tantalizing sound
Of sibilant sea waves shaping
Sandy shorelines, beckoning my
Soul’s return whence it came
With every endless subsidence.
Like a giant magnet it draws
Me toward its salty expanse
As if in a soporific
Sleep; a somnambulating stroll
Into undulated wetness
Arouses me from my stupor
As it washes over my feet.
I look down at its shallow depth
and smile at my progenitor.

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Unimaginable beauty:
I found myself walking alone
far removed from humanity
in a large meadow overgrown
with kaleidoscopic poppies:
oranges, blues, crimsons and yellows
each indiscriminately
commingled in this meadow
like an incongruous painting;
yet, in my eyes, a masterpiece:
A polychromatic blending
of hues quivering in the breeze
as I stood amidst the allure
of their stupefying grandeur.

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